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The smell of pancakes filled my nostrils as I took in a deep breath. Ah! My true love! I've always had a sweet tooth and pancakes were my absolute favorite.

We were all sitting around a table in our favorite diner back in Star Falls, enjoying the delicacies, when Mase cracked a lame joke with Ashton's help.

"That was more lame than anything you both have ever cooked up before and you once made a joke about blow drying your 'hare'....
because he fell, in a well."

"I second that." said Luke.

"Me too." I piped in.

"Me three," said Care with raising her hand to high-five me.

I gladly reciprocated with a wide grin matching everyone else's.

"But seriously that was so lame," said Care, trying her best to contain her laugh.

"Probably as lame it gets."

Then we all tried to control our laughter until we couldn't.

And before long we were laughing like maniacs.

We were all so happy like the last two years didn't happen, like I didn't leave my friends and family.

Then Luke started making funny faces on his burger with the tomato sauce totally unaware of the fact that we all were eyeing him weirdly. We did that for a minute, before bursting into yet another laughing session.

Meanwhile Care said, "Kate, did you forget to give him his meds this morning?"

"Yeah I sure do need them to tolerate a whole meal with you," replied Luke.

"Shut it. Now." I stepped in, with narrowed eyes.

Then as the breakfast was nearing its end, a group of girls entered the diner.

"Whoa! The redhead's smokin' hot" said Luke with a wink, directed towards the aforementioned hottie.

This gave Care a golden chance to reignite their argument. "Obviously, " she said with a smirk. "According to you, everyone belonging to the opposite gender is hot, you like the whole female population!"

"Oh no, no, no! What gave you that impression?
I clearly dispise you!" Luke replied paying extra stress on the words no and you.

I turned my head towards Ash and found him turning his face towards me as well. We shared a knowing look before witnessing one more their idiotic arguments.

"Well, I for my part love you with every fiber of my being," Care said with a sacstic tone and a fake smile.


"Whore." And here it is again, the famous Luke-Care war of words.

Uggh we're all tired of it.

Thankfully, before anyone else could say anything Kate jumped in, "Stop it you guys, all of us know exactly what both of you are, idiots." She said with a smirk, which slowing turned into a smile and then a grin.
And of course all of us agreed.

"Oh, but so are you" said Luke.

"That's why we're friends," said Mase with a goofy smile.

And in that moment I swear people could've seen happiness radiating out of us.

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