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I went towards the back door, as it was close to me and found it closed. I tried to push the door, tried to break it, but all in vain.

I looked around but I couldn't spot anyone else, in the dinner. By the time I tried to return to the front door, the front half of the dinner was already engulfed in the fire. I could not even reach the front door. I spotted a fire extinguisher and tried to stop the fire from spreading, towards me. But as time passed, I started to feel suffocated, so I banged on the door repeatedly, but to avail.

Then suddenly out of nowhere something fell on head, and when I touched it with my arm i saw blood covering my fingers. I started feeling dizzy, struggled to breath and then my head decided to start spinning. The fire kept on engulfing everything, and I just kept hoping that someone would come in and help out of this place.

The last thing I remembered was hearing someone's footsteps coming towards me, from behind me, which was the front of the dinner. And then I dropped to the ground, and man did my head hurt.


My head was pounding heavily and my eyelids felt extremely heavy. I could faintly hear someone talking, "And she will be good to go."

"Thanks Doc."

I tired opening my eyes, but failed. I tried again and finally succeeded. I looked around seeing Kate, Luke, uncle, Care and another guy, whom I couldn't recognise, he said something to Care and left.

When they noticed I opened my eyes, they rushed to my side, uncles was the first one to speak, "Kid are you feeling okay?"

I tried to get up and replied, "Yes I'm fine."


"What happened?" Luke asked.

And I told them that, while I tried to sit up with the support of my elbow, a felt a shot of pain. To this they replied by explaining that I got a small burn on my elbow, along with a head injury. Then I told uncle to go home and rest, as doctor had told him to do some days ago. He argued, wanting to stay back, but agreed to go when Kate assured him, she'll stay with me.

After uncle , went home with Care and Luke. I asked Kate, "How long have I been unconscious for?"

"It has been 6 hours."

"What happened to me and when can I go home?"

"You got suffocated, had some small burns and a minor concussion, because something hit your head. God we were so worried. I'm really sorry we left without you, when went to the washroom after we finished our meals, we decided to wait for you outside. When we saw the fire I swear I tried to get in but then the people outside wouldn't let us in. I am really ashamed I couldn't help you."

"Hey its alright, I'm gonna be okay so it doesn't matter. And now my last question is who was that guy and what was he doing here? I don't know why but his face seemed oddly familiar to me.

"His name is Will, he's the guy who helped you out along with Ash of course." She said with a smile.

"Would you Care to explain?"

"Ash was nearby when the fire started, when he heard that you were trapped inside, he wanted to get in, the people outside tried to stop him but he broke away from them and got in.

When he came out, he had many burns on the exposed parts of his body and you were fainted in his arms. The guy you asked about, he was the one who heard someone banging, by the time Ash came in, found you unconscious on the floor, and picked you up, Will broke the door and helped you and Ash out from the back door, cause till that time, the front part of the diner was impenetrable due to the fire."

"Where's Ash?"

"You said last time that this was your last question. So no more questions. Now just lay down and rest."

Just as Kate stopped talking, we heard a knock on the door. Kate said, "Come in."

The door opened and the same guy stood there, what was his name? Yes, Will.

"I brought the medicines," he said, to Kate.

"Oh, you are finally awake." He said looking towards me.

"Yes I am, can I ask you something?"

"Yes you can."

"Why did you stay?"


"When everyone was here why did stay here, all the time I was unconscious. I mean that I am obviously thankful for what all you did and love you for helping me by doing all that, but I don't even know you."

"I thought that I should stay, so I did, and I don't know why I feel like know you from somewhere, I felt a connection with you."

Awww, I thought, that's so sweet.

"And we still haven't been properly introduced as yet,"I smiled at the irony.

"Okay here it is. Hi, I am William Anderson"

"Allison waters."

"Wait!" we both said at the same time.

"Were at uncle Tom's party that night?" he asked.

"Yes, I was."

"So you are the one I danced with."

"I probably was."

As I said this I winced, holding my head.

Now was the time for Kate to jump in, "now close your eyes and sleep."

"Alright," I said as I closed my eyes.

And then I went to sleep thinking about that Idiot of a guy. First, he lend a helping hand to me and when I take it he drops me, then when I'm in trouble he comes in like a white knight and rescues me, getting hurt in the process. Oh my god, he is such a split personality. No matter what I'M  Maybe he has multiple personality disorder or something...


I know its short but I could only manage this much for now, I promise the next update will be much longer. And since I am on my holidays I'll keep updating like this, at least twice or thrice a week, so keep reading.

And what do you think about Ash? Do you love him yet? Or do you like Will? He's a nice guy too.

The guy into he picture above is Ian Somerhalder and he will be playing the role of William Anderson.

The goal for this chapter is 15 votes. I will update the next chapter as soon as I get 5 votes on this one.

Also please suggest a ship name for Ash and Alli. I thought of some but I wanna know your suggestions.

And please do not be a silent reader and forget to VOTE & COMMENT. 

Love, A.  

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