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Enjoy ❤❤❤

I had always dreamt of going to an Ivy league College, preferably Harvard. I can give up anything to get into Harvard. I seriously cannot tolerate the defeat of not being able to attend it because of some financial problem.

Not that Uncle hasn't saved up for Chloe's and mine college expenses, but her getting into Harvard Law and me going to my mom's school, which was a private one, for two years must have consumed a lot of the savings. Also I don't want to a huge burden on him between the private school and Harvard Education.

So you might understand how tempting it must be if someone else would offer me to pay my college expenses.

And so it happened, the next evening, while I was Kate's, Aunt Jenna was talking about Luke and his playboy habits. And also about how she would give up anything to see him in love with a decent girl.

While I agree that is almost impossible, I pride my self in thinking that anyone can change and I also happen to believe that love can catch the most difficult preys.

So I said, "Hey Aunt Jenna you don't need to worry. The Luke Salvetore will fall in love too, someday..."

"Who are you kidding my dear?" she replied, "The existence of vampires is more likely than the probability of my idiotic son falling in love."

"While I myself believe vampires are real but to a normal person who doesn't, your son falling in love is much more probable."

"If you are so sure I challenge you to make him fall in love."

"And what shall I recieve in return?"

"If you manage to make Luke fall in love with a girl, I will pay your college fees."

"Come on you know I can't accept that."

"But it wont be a problem for me because I saved up for Kate's college expences but with the rate she is going she will not be needing it because she will have a scolarship. And I will have a ton of extra money and you know I love you as much as Kate and I can help you with this."

"Still it would be too much."

"Okay how about this, we spice it up a bit like you have to make him fall in love till the end of our senior prom and the girl will be someone who he hasn't hooked up with, someone who probably hates him. And last but not the least you have to make the girl fall in love with him too."

"Yeah then it will be a real challenge" I spoke to Kate and then turned towards Aunt Jenna and said, "so yeah I'll accept your money with these condition except I will pay atleast half of it back when I get a job."

"Alright. You demanding little thing."

"Hey I was thinking how about Caroline." Kate jumped in.

"What about Caroline?"

"Caroline could be the girl, I mean come on even I would pay good money to see those two in love."

"Now that's gonna be a real pain, but I like challenges and this one tops the list so yes, challenge accepted."

"Okay so its all set."

"Hey Kate you're responsible for bring your boyfriend and his dumb ass friend into the loop, I'm gonna need as much help as I can get, of I am going to have a chance at making those two fall in love."



The next day in the school cafeteria, all four of us, Kate, Mase, Ash and myself, sat together thinking about the cupid agreement, Kate and Mase were helping me because I made them and they know better than to say no to me, because then I will be after their life. And apparently the idiot thinks The Lucas Salvetore falling in love would be too fun to miss, hence his presence was to help us achieve that goal.

It was decided that we would make them come to the homecoming dance as a couple, but then the harbinger of evil spoke up, "Luke has already asked someone out, so good luck pairing him up with Caroline." The idiot said.

"And you are the most positive person I've ever had the pleasure of being acquainted with!"

Then after thinking about it for a minute I spoke again.

"Have you? Asked someone out yet?" I replied.

"Aww, were you hoping that I'd somehow loose my brain and ask you out?"

Maybe I did. The voice in my brain replied.

And... in that moment I was thankful that he didn't have Edward Cullen's mindreading gifts.

"First of all that would be a nightmare not a regular dream and second of all you are going to ask his date out and convince her to go with you instead of her."

"Why do I have to be the one who has ask out the plastic he did." He asked.

"What do you want me to ask Mase to ditch his girlfriend, and my bestfriend in the homecoming dance and go with some popular cheerleader instead? Besides you're reallly popular so you can easily get who-ever-she is to be you companion for the dance."

"Tell me something I don't know."

"As modest as ever, aren't you? So should I take that as a yes? You will ask his date out?"

"Alright whatever. And by the way calling myself popular, actually is being modest, if I was being honest I'm probably the most popular guy in the town!"

"Kate you have to take care of Caroline, make sure she doesn't say yes to anyone who asks her out."


"And Mase will see to it that Luke doesn't get a chance to ask anyone else out. So its done." I said, and then my eyes fell upon Mase who was busy shoving face, "Right Mase?"

"Huh? What?" Which came out more like 'huu whhath'

"You didn't hear anything I said, did you?" I askedfully aware of the answer.

"No I did! I did!"

"What was I talking about."

"The fact that Luke asked someone out?"

"Yeah i was taking about that, A million years ago, we already formed a full proof plan while you were busy swallowing as much food as you possibly could."

"Alright. Sooryyy."

I gave him a hard time before telling him that I forgive him and repeating his job to him.


Sorry this was a late update and a short one too, the former because I was not feeling like writing and the latter because I didn't want to make you people wait any longer.

So without further adue I shall take my leave.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter although, I was laying down the base for the chapters to come.

And don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT.

LOVE, A. ❤

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