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We could feel the buzz in the air as we got ready to leave. All of us had gathered at my place and we were about to get into the cars when something struck me and I checked the mail. I was hoping to find the reply to my early admissions application to Columbia and Brown. What I found there instead seemed like a report from our local medical lab adressed to Ashton. I wondered shortly what it could be before deciding that he seemed fine so maybe it was just a regular check up report and nothing important.

Seeing his name however made me recall the last few days.


We had decided to go out to celebrate our small Lare victory.

When he told me about Luke being unable to keep a smile off his face, much like Caroline, him skipping the date with Michelle and asking Mason how he knew that he started liking Kate as more than just a freind, I couldn't help myself but jump in his arms in my excitement. He waited for a second before wrapping his arms around me.

At our usual table when the waitress came to take the order Mason ordered for all of us: two chocolates a strawberry and one vanilla milk shake.

Sipping my strawberry milkshake I made a reply to Kate's latest revelation.

"If that isn't irony I don't know what is."

"Seriously for the younger siblings of our childhood enemies to be crushing on each other" Ash could barely hide his amusement.

"Seems like Fate is with us this one!" Mason replied.

"It sure is." Kate said.

Ash finally noticed me eyeing his milkshake and pushed it towards me.

"Alright that's it I can't handle more of you eye fucking my shake."

"Haw! I would never!" I said, gaving him the biggest smile and took the glass.

This was one of our rituals. Whenever we had milkshakes I'd always order strawberry and he'd order chocolate and halways through our drinks I'd take his chocolate shake and he'd finish my strawberry. Though we hadn't done this in years. Two and a half to be precise.

"Why can't you order your own chocolate shake?"

"Then who would share yours? Besides I'm pretty sure you've developed a taste for my strawberry shake which you'd never order for yourself." I said with an innocent smile.

"Whatever" between gulps of that same strawberry shake.

Mason and Kate couldn't help but laugh at the goofs infront of them.

Kate almost wanted to say, oh just over yourselves and confess already!

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