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Please make sure you've read the part I added in the last chapter before reading this one.

Enjoy ❤❤❤

Allison's POV

I woke up to the sun's rays glaring at me through Kate's window. My first thought after I rubbed my eyes open and my arms stretched was how there were only two us on the bed.

Then I remembered, Caroline wasn't in a very good state of mind last night. We knew it'd be because of her parents or something but we wanted to give her time.

I walked down to wake Care up and head home when saw Luke sleeping on the couch in a sitting position while Caroline slept with her head in his lap. They looked so peaceful together. She certaily looked happier than she had the wole day. So I decided not to disturb them and left.

All through break fast I could hide the smile on my face which ofcouse Ashton noticed. As soon as we were in te car I told him about Luke and Caroline after making him promise he won't utter a word of it to Luke. I didn't plan on telling him but he knew just by looking at me that there was something which I was dying to tell someone and he kept asking and saying "Come on tell me, you know you want to," until I did.

Judging by his genuine smile instead od the singnature smirk he was as happy for them as he was.

The whole day I had been looking for a chance to find Caroline alone and it so happened that the guys had football practice and Kate was living in the library studing for her maths test.

As soon as we reached our table at the cafeteria I started talking.

"You know you've haven't been able to keep that smile off your face all day so is there sometging you wanna tell me???"

She seemed ro contemplate for a second before replying "Okay but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this specially Luke."

After I swore not to utter a syllable about to it another soul she told me about her dad, how he mistreated her and my heart broke for her.

Here I was running away from the town because my best friend didn't love me back while there were people like her went through so much shit and still strived on.

But then something wonderful happened as she went from telling me about her crying at night, which by the way made me feel like the worst best-friend, to Luke walking in and consoling her her face changed and I saw a smile than reached her eyes and touched her soul.

I couldn't contain my joy and told her abiut seeung then together and how happy and peaceful they looked. When she asked me who else knew I told her about Ashton and it was understood that he would tell Mason.

Caroline is always bubly so it may be hard for others to imagine she came from such hell. But I think that is exactly why she is as chirpy as she is all the time because she's trying to forget the pain pretend none of it ever happened. And we don't talk about it much beacuse we know she doesn't want to.

I was happier than I had been in a long time. For once instead of sulking and thinking about myself I had in a small way helped my friend, who God knows deserves it.

Any other time I would have teased her to death about smiling like an idiot for something Luke of all people did, but right now it felt too pure to be teased.

As we were passing the notice board I read a flier about the school trip to India. We had always wanted to go on a trip together and this felt like the perfect opportunity, the parents would have no problem since the school staff would accompany us and we'd get an adventure with friends.

I asked Caroline about it and she wanted to go the only problem was convincing her parents. They would never let her get away from them. They were like a weight hanging over her head 24×7.

I thought about weather I should say this or not and then finally spoke "You know what lets do this."

She'll be a legal adult by the time we return from the trip and free to make her own dicisions. And the school year will be almost over.

She had been saving up for quite a while and can take a student loan for college with her grades she'd get it easily. I'll split the money Kate & Luke's mom will give me if need be. We'll make it work. And she can live with us for the time-being. It was high time she got away from those toxic poeple.

I know it seems too much for just a trip but it wasn't about that it was about getting her away, hopefully permanently. She has suffered enough and what he did yesterday was more than anyone should tolerate.

It was time she got a shot at a normal happy life and this trip would lay the foundation for it.

I told her my plan and with the decision made we hurried to get the rest of the group in on the trip.

It wasn't difficult getting Kate's mom's permission since we found out Luke was already going. Mason's parents were the coolest so no problem there and Uncle was basically Ashton's guardian and if he said yes for me, the same went for Ash. Uncle even said he'll tell his dad about it himself. Even Will and Meg got permission to go on this trip.

We even found out that Caroline's brother Cole planned on going and they permitted him to but were having a problem permitting her. In the end they said yes for her too just for her brother's sake and that just saved us the trouble of forging their signature. And now by time we come back she'll be legally free from him.

You see her parents' wrath or rather her father's wrath was only reserved for her. Why we'd never know...

Forgetting about all of these complications we concentrated on the adventure ahead.

This would be the trip of our lives one of our last few months together before we go to off to different colleges and we would make worth it.


I know its completely short but its laying the ground work for the next and I habe a feeling the last chapter. Yes this book may end here and I may write a sequel I don't know I haven't made the decision yet so bear with me.

I want to thank all of you for your amazing support. For so many reads and votes and comments. I am eternally greatful.

I've tried to out a little extra effort in the part I added in the last chapter and this whole chapter and I hope you people like like.

Love, A. ❤

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