kind of a diary entry (?)

346 44 21

I do not know why 

it is much easier to write 

about unhappy things- 

feelings of loss, resentment, 

maybe even meaninglessness. 

It is difficult to capture 

the full magnitude of happiness, 

it is fleeting, fluttering at your fingertips 

and ready to take flight 

before you attain

it. Light, too, behaves the same way. 

It is no rocket science, to know

that the speed of light, cannot be surpassed. 

(I find solace in concrete facts like this)

We try, try and try 

to be of speed, but surprise! 

It cannot be done. Joy 

cannot be entirely possessed, its

greatness, rareness, muchness 

can never be contained, but 

it's always there, there, there. 

From the bottom of my heartWhere stories live. Discover now