Are We Back Together?

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Harry and I took a cab to my place. We arrived at my door and exchanged a few awkward looks.

"So, are we back together?" He asks me, sliding his large hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"I guess so," I smiled, "I don't know how your fans will take it, you know. I'm pretty sure they hate me.."

"Don't mind what they think about you, it's what you think about yourself that matters." He says, looking at me with deep, green eyes.

"Well, their guess is as good as mine. I don't really like myself either." I reply, breaking eye contact to open my door. Harry lightly taps my arm before I could enter the apartment. I turn around to face him again.

"We'll do something later, ok? Don't worry, it won't end up like our last date." He smiles. Suddenly, I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer towards me. He gently guides my head towards him, I could hear his heart beat between the multiple layers of warm clothing.

"Promise?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. He ruffled his disheveled hair and pushed it away from his face before answering.


I hurried into my apartment and shut the door behind me. I slumped up, against my door and sighed loudly. Whenever I'm with Harry, I don't know, I feel amazing. We've had some rough patches, actually a lot of rough patches but overall, this has been the best relationship I've been in for a while.

Today, I decided to brush up on my cooking skills and make an angel cake. I changed into some more suitable clothes, then I grabbed some flour, sugar and egg whites.

I preheated the oven and began to beat the egg whites with a mixer before adding the cream of tartar. I then added sugar and vanilla essence. I put flour and salt into a sieve over a bowl and sifted it in.

After finally preparing the cake's ingredients I placed the batter into an angel cake pan and slid it into the oven.

I let it bake until it was golden brown before pulling it out of the oven to cool. I propped myself against the kitchen bench and sniffed the aromatic air around me.

It smelt delicious and I smiled at how well I did. The cake looked truly amazing. I broke a piece off the steaming hot cake and placed it in my mouth, chewing it thoroughly.

"Yum!" I exclaimed to myself in the empty apartment. I pulled a plate out from the cupboard, along with a knife and fork, and began cut a small piece of cake for me to eat. I sliced a bit with my fork and put it in my mouth. Unexpectedly, I heard my phone beep so I grabbed it, checking the screen as I did.

'Date night with the girls?'

I replied to the text quickly before shoving another piece of the angel cake into my mouth.

'Yes! When and where?'

I put the phone down on the kitchen bench and poured myself some water from the fridge. My phone beeped again.

'6:30 tomorrow, my house. Is that ok? Natalie might be coming and Kyah is definitely coming.'

I smiled.

'That's perfect, Holly. I'll see you then xo'

There were no further texts. I finished off my cake and slid the dishes carefully into the sink. I grabbed some detergent from under the sink, my washing gloves and a sponge then began to wash the dishes.

Afterwards I placed them carefully into the dishwasher and took off my gloves. I pressed a few buttons and then left the dishwasher to do its thing. When the dishes were done I put them away and then placed the remaining cake in the fridge. I plopped myself down on the chair and sat there for a while, contemplating life.

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