Born Sinner

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I looked up at the clouds as I held the tall can of Colt 45 to my lips so that I could taste the bitter flavor of the cold beer that I wasn't supposed to be drinking but oh well. Sitting on the roof is one of the few things us Compton kids do to relax and get out of the weird world we live in. I sighed as I thought of Mia and John that had just died the week before its weird how God brought them into this world together and took them out together. Their funerals were this morning and I could feel the pain that rushed through their body's that night. I couldn't take going and eating with the family knowing damn well that I wasn't glad that Mia and John were not on this earth so I left changed into a more thuggish outfit and sat on the roof.

"I knew I would find you up here" My best friend Jermaine said as he sat next to me and opened the other can on Colt 45 I had sitting next to me. Jermaine and I have been best friends since back when we couldn't pronounce our words right. His mom would watch me while my mom went to work in the afternoon. He's seen me at my best and sure in the hell seen me at my worst.

I looked up at him and smiled a little to be honest I wasn't in the mood to smile "Watsup"

"Compton the death place" He put the beer to his lips and took a sip "I hate it here I wish we could just leave and never look back"

I sighed "You and I both know that it's never going to happen"

He's been talking about getting out of here since the fourth grade the night after he saw his father gunned down and killed. After that night he's had his mind set on getting out. The only thing he's missing is how he's going to get out.

"Zoee we could do it of we put our mind to it I mean with those dope ass dancing skills and my raps we could make it out of here together and never turn back"

I finished the can off and threw it off of the roof "Jermaine not right now because we both know our kids and our kids kids are going to be here" 

"See that's the problem with black people their quick to complain but slow to react I mean come on get your fucking head out the clouds Zoee" He paused for a moment "We've had ten people in our crew and its four of us left"

I put my hand up and shook my head "Jermaine not now I don't want to hear it"

"Zoee it's been Mark than Jen and Briana then Ashlee and then John and Mia if you can't see that were next than I don't know what's wrong"

He was right but I wasn't ready to face that we might be next I just needed the whole fucking world to shut for just a little bit so that I could think. With school and the moms getting cancer I have no room to just sit and think "Jermaine I hear what your telling me but when it's time to go it's just our time at this point I'm not afraid to leave this world to be honest im kind of ready to go"

"Shit i'm not I got dreams big ones to and death is just going to slow me down God can wait until I'm rich to kill me" He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder "I love you though Zoe"

I smiled and laid my head on his arm "I love you too"

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