Chapter 6

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Honestly that is goals😍😍😩😩^^^^ but this is her make up for majority of this chapter. enjoyyy.


So I have another shoot today, sadly Savannah won't be here with me. But Zayn is coming and we are gonna hang out afterwards and maybe go out to lunch. I'm so happy that the air is finally cleared with the Perrie drama. Or at least it is for now. But I'm now waiting for Zayn to come pick me up and take me to the photoshoot.

   My phone went off, it was a text from Zayn and it said he was on his way up. I made my way downstairs and went to open the door, revealing Zayn with his fist halfway in the air as he was just about to knock on the door. He wrapped his arms around my waist giving me one of his all too familiar hugs, lifting me off the ground and spinning me like he always does. When he set me back down he asked "You ready to go?"

  "Yeah- actually wait I left my phone upstairs." I said as I turned tail and ran back up to get it.

When we went down to his car he put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into him. "Only 3 more days til I'm back to tour." I sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I love being on tour seeing everything and everyone, but I wish we could all be together." I finish.

"Me too." He agreed.


Naya had one of their 'early summer' shoots as they call it. She told me its when they do things like swimwear and summer clothing shoots before summer, but they don't get released until they put all of it in the stores or they send out the magazines.

I couldn't help but stare at her as the shoot went on she was just so damn sexy- wait what am I saying? Naya is my friend...who just so happens to be hottest, nicest, funniest, most beautiful girl you've ever known and ever will know. My subconscious adds. What's wrong with me?

I can't possibly like Naya. I'm engaged. She's just my friend. nothing more. I try pushing the thoughts aside but it keeps floating back into my mind. She's just so perfect, how have I been so blind to this the past years. Well maybe it's because I was engaged but I still feel so oblivious.I just had to get out of there so I left to the nearest bathroom to clear my mind.


In the middle of shoot Zayn just walked out, weird. He probably just went to the bathroom or something. As long as he comes back and doesn't cause me any trouble, I don't really care.

We were now finished with the shoot, I'm back in my clothes, and Zayn was back too. "Hey." I say walking over to him

"Hey, ready to go?" he asked wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. Some one sure is clingy today. But I don't move away because honestly, I don't want to, and it just feels right.

We had went to some cute restaurant nearby that he said was amazing and that we 'just had to go'. "Really? Are you sure?" He asks me for the millionth time.

"Yes. Really. I. Am. Sure. You have never taken me here before." I say pausing so I don't loose it.

"But I could've sw-" He started


There was a moment a silence before we both busted out laughing uncontrollably. He's something else.

"No Damn It!" He imitated me in a high voice.

"I do not talk like that!" I state.

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