Chapter 5

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I think, I just might have to kill somebody. But I'll save that for another time where there wont be so many witnesses. I begin hugging and greeting everyone when they walk in. Just as I was about to let go of Louis I pulled him back and whispered "You smell nice." Like some kind of grotesque demon.

"Thanks weirdo." He said with a bright smile.

When I got to Zayn I sorta gave him a partial hug because if what Perrie said is true I don't want to be around him if he's going to act that way. He gave me a weird look but I quickly  walked over to Savannah before he could say anything.

"Can I say, I could just feel the awkward radiating off of you guys." She laughed.

"Was it that bad?"

"No one else was looking or seemed to notice, except Perrie. She glared at you as you made your way over to him, but then she smiled in victory as you gave him that slight hug." She explained.

"Ugh everything was fine until her."

"Well are we gonna watch some movies or what?!" Harry shouted.

"Oh shut up I'm comin'." I said as Savannah and I lead the way.

As we walked in Zayn started laughing. "What?" Almost all of us said in unison.

"Huh? Oh I was just thinking about how you came back in the other day with a huge tray of food." I joined him laughing as he finished the sentence.

"And since you rushed out I had to eat it all by myself. Shame." I sighed falsely.

"Totally woulda done that too." Dylan said high fiving me.

We were all sitting down and Savannah took the last one on the corner so I had to sit to her left, and I ended up right next to Zayn with Perrie on the other side of him. And I could see how pissed off she looked even in the now dimmed lights. So I just leaned a little bit more towards Savannah keeping as much distance as possible.

Okay I've had enough of this, this is just childish I'm ending this now. I'm gonna talk to Zayn and I'm going to settle this thing right now.

"Hey wanna go grab some snacks." I lean over and whisper.

"That depends. Will I end up carrying 80 pounds of food?" He questioned.

"Maybe. Maybe not. You coming or what?"

"Yeah I guess I'm in. You were probably going to force me either way so." He said

"True." I agree

He didn't seem mad at all maybe he's not actually mad at me? We got up and began to walk out the room I could feel Perrie glaring into the back of our heads.

As we made our way into the kitchen I turned around and said "Zayn are you mad at me?"

"What? Why would I ever be mad at you?" He said ruffling my hair.

"I don't know, you know what never mind, it's nothing really." I said whilst fixing my now messed up hair.

"No I want to know. What makes you think I'm mad at you?" He asked concerned.

"You'll get mad if I say it."

"Tell me." He pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Fine I'll tell you. So here's what happened I got a call from you but I picked it up and it wasn't you it was Perrie. And she was telling me that you were mad at me and that I was annoying you and that I shouldn't go around you anymore. She suspected that we had something going on if you know what I mean. And basically she just wanted me never to go around you. And I was worried you would take it to social media or magazines and everything and I just wasn't looking to be in the spot light right now in a negative way." I rambled on.

"What the hell?! Why would she do that. I never said any of those things, you have to believe me Nay." He raged.

"I do. I believed her at first but then I got to thinking how crazy she was. About ten minutes ago actually. And then I figured the best way to find out the truth was to just ask you."

"Well I'm glad you did, and I'm glad that I know." He sighed.

"Well let's hurry up and get back before she comes out here and pulls a knife on one of us." I say.

"Very true."

We hurried back and then there was an angry looking Perrie, along with the rest of everybody else still sitting there.

"Ooh food!" Niall jumped up grabbing the chicken. Yes I brought back chicken.

"I just knew you were going to take that so I picked up more." I said.

Unlike Niall, everybody else like civil people walked by and picked up a couple things that they wanted off the tray until there was nothing left. Savannah was popping popcorn while we were gone in the popcorn machine that I had in the room and she brought over loads of popcorn and giving some to everybody in the medium sized bowls.

The movie started and I noticed Zayn was now shifted towards me leaning aways from Perrie trying to be discreet. Well it must not be that discreet if I noticed. I'm just so much more at ease knowing that he's not mad at me or anything. I could feel Zayn staring at me "What?" I whisper

"Nothing." He chuckled

"Well, okay then." I say with a laugh looking back at the movie.



The minute we got in the car I said "Why did you tell Naya I didn't want to be around her and that I was mad at her?"

"What?" Perrie asked all innocently.

"Don't lie to me." I seethed.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Damn it Perrie just tell me why!" I yelled.

"How would you even know I did." She spat.

"Naya asked me why, well if, I was mad at her."

"That bitch." She scoffed.

"She is not, a bitch. But you sure are acting like one. Why would you do that. She's my friend Perrie."

"Pft yeah, Friend." She said putting air quotes around the word friend.

"Nothing is going on between us Perrie. We are just friends. Nothing. More." I state.

"Okay whatever." She said looking out the window. She then added, "Sorry for taking your stupid phone."

When we got home I sent a text to Naya

Hey, sorry again for the misunderstanding earlier. I talked to Perrie and sorted everything out. Goodnight love.

It's okay. Hope all goes well Zayn. Night (:

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