Chapter 4

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What she's wearing^^^^


Why the hell is Perrie here? Oh my god this bitch is everywhere. Breath in, breath out, just smile never pout. That was what we came up with to deal with PR stuff and keeping my cool. I walked straight over to Miranda, Savannah now running over from her desk.

"Okay so I had pulled them in last minute to be a part of the shoot, sort of like a say goodbye to the tour thing you know." Miranda said

"Yeah, but why is Perrie here, is she s part of the shoot?!" I made a face when saying her name.

"Who's Perrie?"

"Exactly. Wait, I mean that's beside the point. She's that blonde girl over there by them." I said.


The elevator doors opened and there stood Dylan with a wide smile. He ran over and gave me a bone crushing hug lifting me off the ground and setting me back down.

"I've missed you so much!" I said with the biggest smile ever.

"I've missed you too!" Dylan beamed.

"Okay so we've got so many things to do, first we'll-"

"After! You have a photoshoot to get to first." She said and walked away.

"Ugh okay." I groaned.

"Yeah. We don't have time to waste." Zayn said almost annoyed. I didn't even noticed they walked over.

"Oh you guys remember Dyl right?" I say.

"Oh of course I do how could I forget, the time, he-" Louis barely got out before Dylan cut him off.

"Okay! Don't you guys have a photoshoot to get to! Yeah. Ya do. Let's gooo. "

"You can't live down that part of your past." I said laughing. Oh the stupid things he does.


A couple hours later the Photoshoot was over before I knew it. I jumped on Dylan's back and he caught me, Surprisingly. "To the Nay mobile!" I shouted pointing to the exit doors of the room.

"Whatever you say boss." We started walking, Savannah trailing along with us, then the boys stopped us.

"Naya we're all still gonna hang out one last time before we,  go our separate ways right?" Niall says whilst sliding his finger down his cheek as a fake tear.

I just laughed."Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I blew them all a kiss and they reached out to grab it. Except for Zayn. Who was whispering to Perrie about something. And then they started kissing so I just looked away. Wouldn't want to look like I'm staring. In the corner of my eye I saw them finally break away.

"Soooo. We're gonna go now. Bye." I said quickly. Zayn made eye contact with me at the last second so I nudged my horse- I mean Dylan to go forward. And he did. Well that was. Awkward.

"We have SO much to do today." Savannah said basically overflowing with enthusiasm.

We got in the car and I just said "Well where to? It's your pick Dylan."

"Okay, okay. So I was thinking first we eat somewhere great. We'll have no trouble getting in because of you guys. Then we go to the pier. Then we'll  get matching tattoos-

"OH KAY. That's a bit much. But to be honest. Les do it." I said changing my mind.

"Y'all are crazy. But I'm in." Savannah added.

"And as I was saying we could end with a club. Like a great one though, and once again we have easy access." Dylan finished.

"Sounds good to me!" And with that I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. So I got a text from Zayn but I chose to ignore it because I wasn't in the mood for his negative vibes or Perrie drama. I mean they seemed fine just minutes ago so he'll be fine.


It's now 2 AM, I think? And we just got back from the club. Okay so yes I drove. And yes I had drunk. But I  mean it wasn't that much. Yes we swerved a couple of times but hey, we're still alive and I parked perfectly when we got here. After a long day of our adventures, getting attacked by fans, lots of eating, and dancing, and fun. We have finally shut down. We all just collapsed on the couches were out like a light.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up after seeing it was Zayn. "Hey Zayn, wait you're actually up this early? It's like 8:00." I said checking the time.

"Nope it's Perrie."

"Oh. Um, hi." I awkwardly replied.

"Okay so I don't know what's going on with you or if you two had some thing before but it needs to end. Zayn even says he's getting tired of you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. What ever it is. It needs to end you're not doing him any good."

"I don't know what-"


That little hoe hung up. Oh my god I'm not even gonna deal with this now. And with that j put my head back down on my pillow and closed my eyes. This was a short lived peace because I was hit in the stomach with a pillow.

"Who was that?" Savannah said.

"Little hoe." I said bluntly.

"Who- Ohhhh Perrie."

"Yup." I sighed.

"Wait why was she calling you?" She questioned.

"Something about 'I'm not doing Zayn any good, I don't know if you guys had a thing before, all of this needs to end, he's getting tired of you.' And all that." I listed off.

"That's a bunch of crap. What even made her think that. And what does she mean Zayn is getting tired of you?"

" Well she said that Zayn said he's getting tired of me. And normally I'm not one to go by 'he said she said' but then again this is Zayn. He's so...bipolar. But I'll back off a little bit. Wouldn't want her to say anything to the medias or get on Twitter. Last thing I need is some bad publicity." I say.

"Wow. Little hoe."

"That's what I said."


Everyone is coming over for movies. We are just going to eat dinner and then go into my theatre and eat. Or do both at the same time. I don't know. Everyone is walking in and trailing behind Zayn, is Perrie who is giving me the death glare. Who the hell invited her?! Oh wait probably Zayn. Shocker. She is everywhere and I'm going mad. I can get through one night with her. I'll just stay away from both of them at all costs. This will be they perfect night. Great.

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