SC1. Yandere!Nagisa X Kotoko

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Requested by Pandaxbear!
SC1 means Special Chapter 1(1 as in the first request,2 as the second)
R1(and other numbers) are Random 1, R's are created by myself and has not been requested.

Nagisa's POV

I stared at Kotoko for the one hundredth time today. She's just so cute...I really want her to love me back.
I watched as Kotoko interacted with Daimon. 'Could Daimon have feelings towards her?! Damn it..' I watched in anger as he touched her hand and dragged her to the kitchen to bake cookies. 'I wanted to make cookies with her....' I thought as I walked back to my room and locked the door.

I laid on my bed thinking about the girl who I love the most. I felt tears form in my eyes. I flipped myself around so my face is in my pillow,  crying about how Kotoko will never love me. I fell into despair, Junko-nee-san would like this feeling, but I didn't. I snapped out of my despair inducing thoughts, and an idea came to mind.

'Why don't I just make her love me? I can do that by killing the problem...Daimon.' Was my thoughts before coming out of my door and going to the kitchen.
I watched as they both touched hands when they were about to get the last cookie. My feelings began to boil with anger. I secretly glared bullets at Daimon's head, I wanted him dead. At night I'll make my move.

Time Skip To Night

'My plans are all set.' I was excited for this plan. Kotoko will love me now since Daimon is not in our way.
I walked quietly to kitchen and took a kitchen knife. I silently walked towards Daimon's room and held the doorknob ready to do a Hit and Run. On a count of three,


I quickly opened the door and pounced on Daimon, he jolted out of bed. I covered his mouth to prevent screaming and began to cut his throat. Tears pricked at his eyes. He tried to pry my hands off his mouth but I held a tight grip.His eyes made it look like I was a demon in his eyes, but I didn't care, All I cared was Kotoko loving me.

With one last slice his head was cut of from his neck, blood spilling from his head and neck on to the bed sheets. I grinned feeling my achievement. I got off of Daimon and locked the door from the inside. I went to shower all the blood off and went back to my room, dreaming about the outcome.

The Next Day

I watched as Kotoko cried at Daimon's dead body. The Warriors Of Hope noticed that Daimon didn't come out of his room all morning. So they broke the door down and found his dead body. I thought Kotoko would be happy to see Daimon gone and would fall for me. That didn't happen though.

Every night she'll come to his room and start crying, she whispered things about what she liked and missed about him.She was the only one who wanted to come to his room and mourn for Daimon's death the most. But I didn't like the fact Daimon is getting loved by Kotoko when he's dead, I just had one last thing to complete.

Once night came by, I saw Kotoko about to go into Daimon's room. When she was about to open the door I tackled her and had cloth over her mouth with drugs. She breathed the chemicals in and soon fell asleep. I carried her bridal style to my room and stared at her once again. Earlier the day I told the other warriors that Kotoko is getting sick by the smell of the dead corpse of Daimon, so I was in charge of taking care of her and the others removed the body. I blind folded Kotoko and wrapped cloth binding her hands. (DONT YOU DARE THINK ANYTHANG DIRTY MY CHILDREN)

Since Kotoko didn't breath much of the drug she woke up only seeing that she was blindfolded. She didn't want to scream and make a commotion that would attract the kidnapper. So she remained quiet. I gently picked her up and set her on my lap. I felt her tense up a bit.

"W-who are you?" She whispered, and I responded.

"Kotoko, it's me Shingetsu." I heard her sigh in relief, she was glad to know it wasn't an adult.

"Shingetsu could you untie me and take off the blindfold" she asked me. I didn't want her to escape so I just replied with a simple 'No' this made her ask 'Why?' Type of questions. I saw that her collarbone was showing, her smooth skin in front of me. I couldn't resist, I bit into her collarbone and began sucking on the spot, leaving a mark. I heard her whimpers I soon licked the spot and kissed the mark. Kotoko asked questions again.

"S-Shingetsu! What are you doing!" She said. I just wanted to let it all out, so I did.
I threw her to the bed, making her lay on her back. I soon untied the blindfold and saw her beautiful eyes.

"You always cared for Daimon but never me Kotoko-! The Sage should get the same treatment-!" I yelled but not too loud to make the others wake up. Her eyes widened at my tone. She never saw this part of me, being all angry and jealous of someone like Daimon.

"Shingetsu Gomen.." Kotoko apologized, I didn't want this time to go to waste to I placed my lips onto hers.
Holding her head in place so she won't shift around. Once I pulled away she cried and asked me about Daimon's death.

"Shingetsu...did you kill Daimon-?!" Her tears won't stop, I kissed them away. I whispered in her ear the answer,

"He was in the way of our love and I had to kill him." Her eyes widen and she tried to escape and untie the binds on her hands. I was on top of her and her legs weren't binded, so she kicked me to the point I fell off the bed.

"I'll make you love me Kotoko-! You will accept my love towards you-!" I soon got up and pinned her with one hand, having my legs on top of hers so she cannot work her legs. She turned her head away from me. I growled at her attitude and forcefully took her head and slammed our lips together roughly. Having my tongue sneak in I rolled it along her's, making our saliva mix together. 
I pulled away with a string of saliva connecting, I ordered her to say words I always imagined her to say.

"Tell me you love me..Kotoko.." I sickly grinned at her reaction, she was so frightened at my tone of voice. She didn't want to have anymore memories causing mental pain about Daimon so she obeyed.

"I-I" I connected our lips together, it felt like heaven having her lips upon mines. I met my goals,
I killed Daimon, The warriors didn't suspect anything, and now I have Kotoko...This is paradise.  

YASSSS I REACHED THE 1000 WORDSSSS. Well I never write stories up to 1000 words. I tried but my hands soon died. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot Pandaxbear!

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