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Kazuko's POV

"Kazuko-chan!" A voice echoed through the walls, the mysterious person pushing me to the ground as they held me close.

"K-Kotoko-chan....Please get off of me." I ordered, waiting for her to get off of me.
Which to my display, she held me closer, squeezing me as tight as she can.

"Oi..Kotoko-chan..get off of me..its Valen..tines..and.." I trailed off, feeling a sense of a fluttery feeling.
Kotoko eyed me carefully, seeing a hint of red streaked across my cheeks behind the cardboard walls.

(Maybe everyone forgot how I described Kazuko .>. Or how Kazuko looks now)

"Ah! You're making chocolates for Nagisa! Uwah! How romantic! So cute!" She comments as I silently wiggled my way out of her grip.

"Sa! Let's make chocolates for the boys!" Kotoko happily said as she dragged me towards the kitchen.

"C-Chotto! Are you planning on making one for Daimon!?" I asked in a shockingly manner, which Kotoko only turned her head to look at me,

"Well..why not!~" All I could do was sweat drop at her tone.

Time Skip To The Kitchen

The sounds of whisks, bowls, and more ingredients was heard.

"Ney Ney, Kazuko, even though you might not see with the box, you have great senses of smell right?"
Kotoko asked, her hands full of many items.
I nodded at her before picking up a bowl and began my work.

I planned on making a simple cat-shaped chocolate cake.
It doesn't sound simple with the shape, but the recipe is certainly simple enough for me.

A small..time skip...

As I was about to insert the cake inside the oven, Monaca bursted through the door.

"Monaca smells chocolate!~" Was the first thing that came from her mouth.
Kotoko walked to to Monaca with a spoon full of the chocolate brownies she made,

"Here Monaca!~ Taste mines!" Which Monaca accepted and took a bite,

"O-Oishi! Kotoko-chan makes it so good! Kazuko how is yours?"
I looked towards her and gave a soft smile,

"Ma...Its currently in the oven..I'm really excited.." I added small huffs of giggle in between my sentences.
I couldn't wait until Nagisa tries them..

Meanwhile, with the boys.

Nagisa's POV

"Hehe! What do you think the girls are doing now!~" Daimon questioned, giggling quietly to himself.

"Maybe they are making chocolates for everyone, its valentines, so girls would start making chocolates and giving them out..." Jataro responded, playing with his long sleeves.

"Mhm..that may be true. Nagisa, do you think you'll get chocolate from Box-Head!~" Daimon teased as Jataro joined in laughing with him.
I hated how he would say that nickname of Kazuko, but, I has too distracted with scenes of Kazuko and I...sharing a kiss..
My cheeks was full on red. I never thought that I would think so dirty of us! Kazuko will be ashamed of me!

"W-Well..I don't really expect much of her..so I doubt it.." In reality, I really wanted some of Kazuko's chocolate though.

"Heh? Are you sure? You don't want her to give you a...little peck on cheeks?" Daimon continued to tease me, fueling up the redness in my cheeks.

"N-No! Of c-course not! If she doesn't seem comfortable, it's find by me!" I retorted, as their laughing became louder.

"Yeah..sure..sure.." Daimon stopped laughing as we went to our separate ways.
I stopped at my room, seeing that Kazuko got up and must have walked off somewhere.

'Do I really want her chocolates?'

Kazuko's POV

"It's done!~" I shouted joyfully, my cake is done! Its time to decorate!
I set down the cake onto a small plate, waiting for it to cool down.
Once finished cooling, I quickly picking up a small icing tool and began piping out the details of the cat.

I placed a small chocolate sign next to the cat, writing down my true feelings towards Nagisa,
'I love you, please eat me!~' It says.

"Uwah! That cake looks so perfect!" Monaca commented, "Thats perfect for Nagisa!"

"Heheh..Thank you Monaca..Is..Nagisa at the main room?" I asked, carrying the cake over to the door,

"Ah, yes! I called him there, saying that you wanted to invite him to some cake!" I walked out towards the halls, turning the corners before arriving at the large door blocking the main room.
I inhaled and exhaled, nervous of the confession.

I gripped the door handle tightly before opening the door.

"Kazuko?" His voice rang, making my knees weak.

"A-Ah..Hello..Nagisa.." I replied walking up towards him carefully with the cake.
His eyes stared at the treat as I stared at his beautiful eyes, Nagisa's eyes were such a pretty blue color.
He stopped looking at the cake and up towards me.

"Ha-Happy Valentines!" I announced, holding the cake towards him as I looked down.

"I really like that we are best friends, but...I want to be.. something much more with you!"
I confessed, but it didn't end there,

"I really want us to have a future together! So, please, I love you!" I finally finished, a huff of air coming from my lips.

"Kazuko.." I was scared, scared to be rejected. But, if its him, I might not mind..

I felt a hand pat my head,

"I love you too Kazuko.." Nagisa responded, a blush being blown into his cheeks.
His reply made me bubble up with joy as tears flowed down from my eyes.
Nagisa walked closer to me, embracing me in a hug.

Staring at his lips, I couldn't help but to place mines on his.
It was so soft, my free hand holding his hand. I felt Nagisa holding my hand back, enjoying the kiss before we both pulled away.

This is certainly the best valentines of my life...Thank you, Nagisa..


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