Chapter 26

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Song for this chapter: Empty Gold by Halsey

"Do you need medical attention, ma'am?" Another officer asked me as I stepped out of my apartment. "No, I only have a couple bumps and bruises. Take care of her, she's the real hero." I lightly smiled as I looked back inside to see her smiling back at me.

Sarah's P.O.V
I didn't want to go to the hospital, but I had no choice in the situation. After hours of endless tests and doctor's faces, I was finally able to leave. Lauren waited at the hospital for me the entire time and I haven't talked to Alex at all since I left his house this morning. It was now almost 3 in the morning and no matter how much I wanted to cuddle up next to Alex, I insisted for Lauren to drop me off at my house first so that I could check on everything since I haven't been there in over a week.

The only thing that was different was the pile of mail that was added to the slight clutter. I shoved it into my bag without even a quick shuffle. My mind was shuffling through ways to tell Alex about what happened. He's going to be pissed, but I'm scared about him throwing it back at me.

I tried my best to push it to the back of my head as I changed into some pajamas from my room before meeting Lauren back outside in her car.

"Please don't say mention anything to Will, I want to be the one to tell him." She stammered as she pulled up to Alex's. I let a nervous sigh before giving her an understanding nod. I swallowed before opening the car door to exit. "Do you want me to come in too? I can explain if you want me to." Lauren offered but I denied and made my way inside.

She waited until I was inside to pull off. I heard a noise in the kitchen so I kicked my shoes off before making my way in that direction. "Sar?" I heard him call out.

I pulled my hair as forward as I could, trying my best to cover my injuries. I walked in and sat at the countertop island in one of the stools as he stood at the other side of the kitchen eating something.

I avoided all eye contact, I found ways to avoid even looking in that direction. Even if it was just a lie of me being tired so that I could bury my face into my arms. It didn't last for long though. I knew I wouldn't be able to hide it forever from him.

"What's wrong?" I heard his footsteps move towards me as my head remained down in my arms. "Nothing." I mumbled. "Sarah, look at me." His hand rested on my back. "Alex, I'm fine."

I felt his hand leave my back, hoping it meant he gave up but I was taken by surprise as he lifted up my face. I continued to look the other way, but he forcefully pulled my chin to look at him.

He looked almost disgusted, almost as if he grew sick. "Wh-what the fuck happened to you?" his voice was quiet, he seemed to be in shock as he paced back and forth, running his fingers through his hair. "Answer me!" his voice was loud, causing me to jump. "Alex, it-" I couldn't finish my explanation, his hands found my cheeks, gently gliding his thumbs against them. His forehead fell against mine as my face twitched, tears wanting to fall. His lips smashed against my slightly bruised forehead, not taking them away until I grabbed his face to kiss him in return.

I explained everything to him, each minute, every detail. Tears were involved but he was there to hold me as I struggled to talk. I listened to his endless murmurs of how everything is okay now, that he's here for me no matter what.

After everything was said and done, I realized it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.

We made our way to his room and climbed into his bed. I felt as his grip seemed a little tighter than usual, his breathing didn't seem as calm as it normally is, and he deleted every millimeter between us.

My mind was wandering and I could do anything but sleep. I listened as his breathing slowed after about an hour of laying here, signaling he had fallen asleep.

I continued to try and force my eyes shut and for sleep to take me but it was no use. A couple more hours passed and I found myself carefully escaping from his limbs.

I quietly made my way to the kitchen and searched the fridge for something to eat. My eyes hit the ice cream and I couldn't resist it.

I was going to sit in the living room on the couch but I was sidetracked by seeing my bag on the counter.

I pulled the pile of envelopes out of it and sat at the table with my bowl of ice cream. I shuffled through it quickly, making a stack of the ones for the garbage.

I scanned through random bills, letters, surveys, magazines, catalogs, anything you could possibly think of to get in the mail, I had in my hands.

It felt like only minutes passed, but I realized how my ice cream was a warm liquid and the sun started the lightly peek through the blinds.

I put down the magazine I was flipping through for about the past hour and added it to the trash pile without finishing. I had about 5 envelopes left and I put one behind the other as I read what they were.

My eyes landed on the envelope labeled Dartmouth University and my heart almost dropped to my stomach. I dropped the other envelopes on the table, almost admiring the one in my hand. My fingers trembled as I went to tear it open but I couldn't find the courage  to do it.

I stared at the envelope one last time before taking in a sharp breath and setting onto the table with everything else. "Dartmouth," I let the breath out. "Holy shit..."

A/N: Dun dun DUNNNN! Comment what you think is going to happen next, my loves! Maybe I'll throw in a prize if you guess correctly. *insert smirky face emoji*

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