Chapter 1

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"Lauren, you're my best friend, but I refuse to hangout out with you and Will if he is there. Plus it's 2 in the morning, I'd rather pretend to go to bed." I protested to my best friend, Lauren. "Will and I have been dating for awhile now. You're my best friend and Alex is his, you guys have to get along eventually." She gave me the puppy dog face that usually gets me every time. "No not this time, that's not gonna work." I stood my ground and walked away. "Pwwease?" She frowned causing me to sigh. "But he's so mean to me!" I whined as I stomped my feet. "We hate each other!" I reminded her as I complained about my enemy, my bully, the all of thee above asshole. "And it's time for you guys to stop." I gave her a look that just screamed 'Are you FUCKING serious?!' She acted as if she didn't see my reaction and said "We're going to the 24 hour Steak & Shake, come on it'll be fun." She continued to beg. "Fine, but when he crosses the line I'm leaving." I gave in, regretting it immediately. "Deal! Thank you so much!" She suffocated me with a hug. I pushed her away and sternly said "You owe me."

"Well where is the asshole?" I said as we got into Will's car. Will just laughed and said "We gotta pick him up." "Great." I rolled my eyes. "Look, I told him to at least try and be nice to you this time." Will informed me. "You know that's just going to instigate him to be worse." I tried not to laugh. "Yeah, I know." He laughed. Seconds later, the car came to a stop and the devil himself came running towards the car. Right when he got in he said "You look lovely today, Sarah." With a noticeably forced smile. But right afterwards he said "Just kidding, you're ugly as fuck." "ALEX!" Will and Lauren both looked back and yelled. "Fine, she's decent." He lied, causing them to turn back around. As I was staring out the window, he grabbed my hand and I quickly pulled away and growled "Don't fucking touch me!" "This is obviously a double date, babe." He joked as he licked his lips. "You disgust me." I stated. "I hate you." He said as he also looked out his window. "Well I hate you too so we're even." "Fine." He shrugged. "Fine." I settled it. "Well, it looks like we're making progress." Will chuckled. "Shut the fuck up." Alex said angered. "What crawled up your ass, mister prissy pants?" I fucked with him. "You." He scrunched his face. "Trust me honey, I wouldn't crawl up your ass if my life depended on it." Everyone laughed besides Alex.

We finally got to Steak & Shake and we scanned over the menus. Will and Lauren ordered, followed by me. "I'll have the same thing as her." Alex said referring to my order. I gave him a quick, sarcastic smirk and he returned the favor as he handed his menu to the waiter. "Aw they're getting along." Lauren grinned at us. I looked up and accidentally made eye contact with Alex and he winked at me, causing me to scoff and look away. After a couple minutes of chit chat and the two of us ignoring each other's presence, Will took Lauren over to the small toy crane game in the corner leaving me and Alex alone at the table. He grinned at me before flashing me a peace sign. I shook my head obviously annoyed, but after a couple seconds passed, he lifted the peace sign to his mouth and violently wiggled his tongue between his two fingers. My anger was evident as I tried to kick him, but he grabbed my leg and yelled "Aye, Will!" trying to get his attention. Will looked over at us obviously embarrassed by Alex. "Jesus Christ." He mumbled as he made his way over to our table. "Would you just leave her alone? What is even going on over here?" He sounded angry. "He's showing the world how he wants to lick my vagina!" I complained, only making them laugh.


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