Chapter 5

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Now under the sheet, his arms were behind his head and he looked up at the ceiling and I laid on my side just admiring him. "I think I'm addicted to you." He mumbled.

Sarah's P.O.V

Instead of sleeping, we just laid in bed cuddling. No talking, no interruptions, just the feeling and sound of our heartbeats. As I was about to drift into sleep, the sky was already starting to brighten. "Where are you going?" I shot awake as the warmth of Alex's body left mine cold. "Work." He yawned in response as he pulled up a pair of pants he found on the floor. Without opening my eyes, I mumbled as I reached out my arm to him. "No, stay with me." "Just stay here and sleep. I'll be back before you wake up." He said before quickly kissing my forehead and leaving in a rush. I lifted up my hands to my face and rubbed away some of the tiredness and finally opened my eyes to the ceiling. "What the fuck is going on?" I quietly screamed to myself before spazzing out and flipping around in the blankets, freaking out. I paused my attack and laid still and just whispered at the ceiling once again. "What is happening?" I smushed my face in the pillow that holds his scent and just sighed as loud as I could. "Ugh!" My voice mumbled by the cushion of cotton, "Fuck it, I'm going to back to bed."

Alex's P.O.V

As I arrived home from work, I seen Will's car sitting in my driveway. "Shit." I hissed as I hit the steering wheel. I got out of the car and noticed he was still sitting in his. I mentally thanked God as he stepped out of his car and started following me into the house. She probably left anyways, right?...hopefully. "I forgot my charger here." He stated, about to walk up the stairs to my room. "Just wait here, I'll get it." I was about to push past him but he ran up and said "What are you trying to hide? Did you leave your porn open on your laptop again?" At that point, the door was already opened, but he hasn't turned to look inside. I was too late, I watched his head face the inside of the room and his hand flip the light switch. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled. I was now standing behind him in the doorway looking at the confused, just woken up Sarah. Her face immediately turned from confused to complete shock when she noticed Will. His jaw still on the floor, Sarah sat on the bed not knowing what to do or say. "This is clearly not what it looks like," I blurted out. "Last night she got really drunk and she accidentally called me instead of you and I knew you and Lauren were already sleeping so I just let her sleep here because I had to be up early for work, so I just slept on the couch.  I did YOU the favor, not her." I told I guess what was a believable lie because he totally bought it. "I wouldn't have cared, but thanks I guess." He shrugged as he grabbed his charger and walked out.  "I'll hit you up later!" he screamed up the stairs before closing the front door behind him. I turned back to look at Sarah, but to my surprise she was already pushing past me towards my bedroom door, her belongings piled in her arms. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "As if it wasn't already clear, I'm leaving." She said with a clear attitude. "But why?" I asked yet another question.  "Because this was only a favor for Will anyways. Remember? I mean, I must have been pretty fucking drunk because I don't know what the hell I was thinking last night. This hangover is just insane at the moment." She was sarcastic but her anger was clear. She attempted to leave once again, but I grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around to face me. "What the fuck did you want me to tell him? Just throw it at our best friends that think we still hate each other, that we fucked?" "No you're right, but you're also're right because we couldn't have just thrown that at them, but you're also wrong because they aren't thinking that we still hate each other, because I never said I stopped." And with that, she left...and I let her.

A/N: Shut the fuck up! Damn! Whose side are you on after all that? Comment, heart, and follow :)

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