Chapter Three

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Both my wolf and I were going mad. Having Jasmine near calmed us, some, but we both wanted Tyra near and we were tired of waiting. If she would just talk to me once, she would see I had changed.

Mom and dad had already begun the spoiling. I didn't mind though. The more they talked to her and coddled her, the more comfortable she became. Watching her helped the ache to be near Tyra as well. My wolf and I had both instantly accepted her and he seemed to have gone into full protection mode. Every twig that snapped, every sound that was unaccounted for, sent adrenaline through my veins. Is this how to was for all our kind? It would explain why mom and dad always got so worked up when it came to me.

I suppose it made sense. Our wolves' sense of survival and the need to procreate was our strongest instinct sometimes. Made sense we would be this protective of our pups.

"What kinds of things do you like to do, little one?" I asked from the couch where I was watching her.

"Draw. Mommy always made sure I had paper and pencil." She explained and I made a mental note to buy a sketch pad next time I went to town.

"Do you want to see?" She asked and I smiled.

"Of course." I immediately answered.

"You can have my one of mommy." She said as she grabbed a bag I hadn't noticed before now. She then reached inside and pulled out a small notebook. The sound of ripping paper filled the room as she pulled one of the papers from the book.

When she handed it to me, I swallowed back the emotion. The picture was amazing. I know parents always say that about their child's creations, but Jasmine's was drawn with more detail then I thought a child like her knew existed.

Tyra had changed. Muscles had replaced her soft and fragile frame. Her hair was longer and her face had also changed. It was more intense, more focused then I remember.

"Do you always look at mommy like that?" Jasmine's voice asked as it snapped me out of my trance.

"Like what?" I asked as I somehow managed to draw my eyes from her drawing.

She just giggled though and picked up her book. She then handed it to me and returned to the wolf figurine mom and dad had given her.

Jasmine's other drawings were just as impressive. One was of her and Tyra. Though a dark shadow caught my attention. It was a dark figure that had eyes and were watching them. I flipped the page, but every one of her drawings had the same ominous darkness that was stalking them. The ones that Tyra had spoken of?

"Jasmine, do you know where your mommy went?" I asked carefully.

She shook her head, but stiffly. She knew something.

"Daddy?" She suddenly asked and I smiled. I liked hearing her say that.

"Yes, sweetie?" I asked back and she dropped her toy to look at me.

"Can we do something today? Just the two of us?" She asked and for the first time, both my wolf and I relaxed completely.

"Of course, baby girl. What do you want to do?" I asked, already growing excited about the idea of just the two of us.

"I don't care, as long as it is just you and me." She answered and I felt my heart swell.

"How about a movie?" I asked and she nodded.

Good. A movie theater would be easier to hide her in. I just hoped no one here was looking. Tyra had said to keep her close and out of sight.

I smiled and picked her up. Mom and dad weren't too excited about the idea, but they understood why we wanted to, so they let us go.

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