Chapter Seven

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He was still holding Jasmine, frozen when the pack doctor came in.

"Keep her safe." He heard Tyra say before he heard them rush Sven from the room. Only then was he able to move again.

"I want to help daddy. Make mommy let me." Jasmine said as soon as they were gone and his face immediately wrinkled in confusion when she did.

"You can't help baby girl." He tried to sooth as he carried her deeper into the house and the rest of the pack left.

He swore he heard some mournful howls soon after, but he tried not to think of it. They were likely Sven's family as they realized the inevitable. He couldn't think about that now, he reminded himself.

"But mommy and Uncle can. Make them help Sven daddy." She said, more sternly and his frown increased.

He opened his mouth to ask what she was talking about, but was interupted when he smelled magic.

He immediately snarled before James materialized in front of him. His growl then turned into a snort of anger. He was never going to get used to this. They needed rules before he had a heart attack or James materialized in front of the wrong wolf.

" I sensed Tyra's emotions, what happened?" He asked as soon as he saw them.

"Sven, a pack mates son just had a seizure." Rafe explained, not sure how much he was willing to explain. If he wasn't Tyra's family he wouldn't have said that much.

"Help him, Uncle James. Please." Jasmine said seconds later as her attention turned and Rafe watched, curious.

"It's not ready yet, baby girl. We haven't done any testing." James said dismissively as he made his way through the house and followed Tyra's path.

"You can convince mommy." Jasmine persisted and this time, James hesitated.

"Please." She persisted and when he sighed, Rafe smiled. He knew the feeling of feeling like you have to give in.

"I will try." He promised before he left them and Rafe was more confused then before.

Had they found a potential cure? How? Were from? All studies they had done had led nowhere.

His eyes immediately went to Jasmine as everything clicked. Genetics, they had been after Tyra's medical information and wanted Jasmine. Jasmine wouldn't let the doctor touch her with any needles.

Tyra never had the disease, but his bloodline had. Hers had magic when no others had. It was a theory, but it made sense. The mixed blood might be enough. The sickness only affected shifters. All other species fought it off easily.

The vampire had said their was to much profit to be made. Jasmine also said she could help, as well as James responding saying "it" wasn't ready and hadn't been tested.

Shifter parents would pay anything to save their children. This made the line about profit make sense.

Everything made sense. They were using her blood to try and make a cure. That had to be what was going on and his eyes widened as everything clicked.

It was huge if it was true. It could be the savior of their entire species and its source was sitting in his lap, he reminded himself.

The thought also gave him comfort. In a way, it made his sisters death have meaning. Without her, they would never have known for sure that his bloodline carried the gene and likely wouldn't have even reached the conclusion to look.

He needed to have lengthy conversation with Tyra, but he would be lying if he didn't admit he wanted her to come to him and tell her.

"Daddy, can we go see Sven?" Jasmine's voice cut into his thoughts.

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