Chapter Six

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She spoke to her father and he said he would see if he could get any more information for her now that they had a target. She then invited her brother, wanting more help with the situation but still refusing to let Rafe in completely. She knew she would have to, eventually, but she just wasn't ready yet.

"There's a face I thought I would never see again." A voice said, drawing her from her thoughts.

Ryella had been one of the few friends before the situation with Rafe. She immediately felt tears come to her eyes when she saw her. She then hugged her a little to tight.

"Tyra, I thought of you countless times." Ryella said when they did.

"I heard of your little one and understand why you ran." She immediately soothed the worry inside Tyra.

" I have one of my own. When you are ready, they can have a play date while we catch up." Ryella told her and Tyra nodded. It would be good for Jasmine to get away from all this and just play like a kid should.

"Tomorrow?" Tyra asked and Ryella nodded, then turned to see Rafe coming towards them.

"Have Rafe call when your ready, we will come by." She told Tyra, who nodded.

"What was that about?" Rafe asked as he walked up and eyed Ryella.

"She had the idea for Jasmine to have play date." Tyra explained as she headed back to the house, wanting to see and hold her baby girl.

"That does sound like a good idea." Rafe agreed as they went inside and Jasmine ran over to them.

" Mommy, daddy." She said as she ran to them. Tyra immediately lowered herself and hugged Jasmine tight.

"James said he was going to come stay with us for a few days. Is that true?" Jasmine asked as Tyra sighed. Word sure traveled fast between the two.

"If your dad is okay with it." She said reluctantly.

She needed him here for various reasons. Reasons she wasn't ready to tell him yet. She knew Rafe wasn't excited about the idea, but he nodded and Jasmine squealed in excitement.

"Thank you." Tyra said as soon as she set Jasmine down and she ran back to his parents.

"He will need to stay near the pack house. There are many here who will not tolerate his presence and my order will only do so much." Rafe warned. He could control them for the most part, but all it took was one willful pup.

"We will manage and my brother isn't completely defenseless, as much as he pretends he is." She said in answer.

"Mommy, daddy, come watch a movie with us!" Jasmine said before Tyra smiled and went to join Jasmine and his parents in the living room. He also smiled at the thought, one day. He silently promised himself.

" She didn't last through the movie." Tyra whispered as she picked up Jasmine some time later. Rafe then smiled as he glanced at his parents.

"Neither did they." He said with amusement. It really was late for them to.

" I get my parents while you get our daughter?" He said with amusement as he eyed them.

"Deal." She answered as she took Jasmine up stairs. While he woke his parents.

"Just sleep in here with me again." Tyra said with frustration when he went into the room and hesitated, secretly still afraid she would leave in the night. Things were getting better, but he didn't trust her not to run still.

Tyra didn't pay anymore attention to him as she climbed into bed. He then waited for her breath to even out. When it did, he scanned the room and found a way to rig the door to sound if opened. He then went to the bed and crawled in. When she didn't comment or react, he relaxed.

"If you were going to hurt me, you would have done it last night. Just relax and sleep. We don't have anywhere else to go now anyways." He heard her voice.

Her words both angered and calmed him. He didn't want to be seen as a last resort, but she had a point. He sighed as he rolled away from her and closed his eyes.

Tyra had him call Ryella the next day and Jasmine was just beginning to stir when Ryella showed up.

"This is Sven." Ryella said as her son peeked around from behind her. He was around the same age as Jasmine, but Rafe couldn't help but feel some anxiousness about letting them play. Tyra was unlike any before. Anything could happen.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Jasmine said from behind them and they both turned.

" Jasmine, come meet Sven. He's mommies friends son." Tyra said as Rafe gave a nervous swallow. Was worrying all the time part of being a parent?

Jasmine was just as nervous as Sven when his mother pushed him forwards. When Tyra gave Jasmine a similar small push, Rafe had to bite his tongue to keep from snapping at her. Stop it, wolf. He thought to his wolf, who snorted at him in response. She had more experience with children and knew what she was doing. He reminded his wolf.

"You want to see my bear?" Jasmine finally said and held out her bear. Sven eyed it before he smiled and nodded. When Jasmine handed it to him, his eyes lit up and she giggled.

" I have more toys, come on." Jasmine said before she grabbed Sven's arm and dragged him from the room. Ryella immediately let out a sigh of relief when they did.

"He has hardly smiled since his father died." Ryella said after she did and Tyra eyed her wearily, likely unsure how to react to the news.

"That is a story for another time though. Now, I want to know what is going on between you to." She said after she shook her head, then eyed each of them in turn.

"Ryella!" Tyra immediately said, completely caught off guard.

" You hurt her again and I will go mama bear on your ass." Ryella then said as her eyes narrowed on Rafe, but instead of rising to the challenge like he normally did, he just smiled with amusement.

"The only tears she will shed from now on will be only happy ones." He promised as he made a I'm unarmed stance. Tyra immediately eyed him with a strange look in her eyes when he did.

"Well, now that we have laid down the law, I want to know everything." Ryella said as she made her way into the living room.

Tyra didn't hold anything back as she told her everything. Rafe stayed quiet as he listened, trying his best to be patient and give Tyra time with her old best friend. She was nearly done when Jasmine's scream broke their conversation and they all immediately reacted.

"Sven!? My baby!" Ryella screamed when she saw him.

Rafe immediately had to look away as memories flashed through his mind and he did his best to swallow back the bile that rose in his throat in response.

Sven was on the ground, seizing. Rafe couldn't turn around. He knew. Somehow, he just knew. Sven had the disease that every shifter parent feared. The very disease that had killed his sister and so many others of their kind. One that very well might cause the extinction of their kind.

He barely felt Tyra's hand of comfort before he felt Jasmine being pushed in his arms. He immediately squeezed her tight as others that had heard the scream came rushing into the pack house.

As soon as they realized what was going on, many of them got a pained look on their faces before he heard one of them say they were going to go get the pack doctor.

"Its okay, daddy." He heard his sweet angels voice and it gave him comfort as she hugged him back.

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