Chapter Eight

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Tyra seemed to understand his inner turmoil.

" Being a parent isn't always sunshine and roses." Tyra commented as he looked over and saw her looking up at the moon. The moon was always a source of comfort for their people.

Deciding it was okay now that she explained, he decided to chance changing back to human form so he could speak with her. The moment she heard the sounds of his change, she turned away from him and he was again reminded that even though she was on the path to forgiving him, things still weren't completely healed and forgiven.

"If I go to the council, they will insist that the shifter packs can protect her without anyone else's help." He said in thought to distract her. His clothes had been stashed for his change, so he did not have any with him to cover himself.

"I have seen what those with magic are capable of, as well as the vampires true strength." She said as he watched the back of her head shake.

"The councils arrogance would not keep her safe and now that we know about Bryne, it becomes more complicated to trust the shifter council ." She said, stating a fact.

As much as he didnt wanted to admit it, he agreed. The shifter council was arrogant and if she told him that they couldn't protect their daughter, who was he to say she was wrong. She had been doing this a lot longer then him and understood a lot of it more then him.  

" My father and his coven can put up the wards, but I don't have the right to give them permission to trespass on your packs land." She said as she finally turned towards him and made sure to keep her eyes averted from him. It made a pang of regret rise inside him, that she didn't see it as her pack, but now was not the time. They needed a game plan more.

"The pack respects me, but being realistic, I do not know if they will tolerate your fathers Coven hanging around for long periods of time." He said truthfully, knowing what she was really wanting from him.

"Then we can place the wards and start small." She considered after a moment of silence to think.

" Considering my brother has been mostly tolerated the few times he has been here, we can start with just him." She suggested and he had to admit that it might work.

The best way to battle prejudice is to slowly show them that not all of them were the same. Deep down, he still had some doubt, but for his daughters sake, he would put it aside for now until they proved to him one way or another. If and when they did, he would make Tyra see reason and would drive them out and away from his packs lands.

" Also, allowing him to stay here, at least for a while, will also help with the progress of the cure." She added, making him agree that it was the best.

" He will need to stay near the pack house." He reminded her. He had told her this before, but he couldn't chance something happening to him and losing the progress they had made.

" There are those among the pack that still hold grudges and I do not wish something to happen to your brother." He added and her eyes softened as she hopefully was reminded how much he had changed.

"Lets just get things set up. The sooner we do, the better I will feel." She said with a sigh and looked at the ground. He knew she was worried again and so was he.

"It will be okay." He said as he went to her.

He was unsure himself, but somehow, he would find a way to protect both of them as well as his pack. Doing so would mean protecting the entire shifter species and that was even more a reason to do it, not just for him but for the pack as well.

No pressure, he immediately thought afterwards with strained amusement.

"Do you remember last time we were here?" She surprised him by asking just before he could reach her. Her voice held emotion and he knew her mind had faded back to that day.

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