Chapter Four

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Tyra had been gone for quite some time, but she still knew were the pack house was and went there without hesitation. I followed her, silently watching her and trying to figure out what to say.

" Tomorrow, I will give you the chance everyone has been telling me I should give you." She said as walked in the door.

" Me forgiving you entirely though, you will have to work at that." She answered.

" That is fine with me." He answered immediately. He wouldn't expect any less.

He watched over her while she slept. He was afraid to sleep and find her gone with Jasmine. She had given him her word, but he still couldn't help but worry.

Tyra's return had also made his wolf stir more than he ever had since she had left.

"It's not like you to sleep on the job." Tyra's voice said teasingly. He jumped awake at the sound of her voice and immediately felt ashamed.

"You are just lucky that I am in such a good mood now that I have my baby back and I know she is safe," Tyra said as I opened my eyes and she came into focus.

He had slept with his back against the door so that no one could come or go without me knowing. He hadn't meant to fall asleep though.

Tyra's face was beautiful and held far more beautiful when she smiled like she was now.

"I suppose it is a time I started to tell you and your parents about the events that took place after I left the pack so many years ago." She said and he was again stunned at her openness. He had expected her to protect herself and that he would have to work on the walls around her heart.

He followed Tyra downstairs in stunned silence. Had she become this strong without me?

Mother and father were already up. Jasmine wasn't. He could hear her even breathing from here.

" Come. Let me tell you what happened before you start asking questions, or someone lies in an attempt to use you against me and my baby." She said, surprising both mom and dad with her dominant tone.

They all followed her into the living room. He knew he was going to hate himself after hearing this, but it would give him clues as to what was going on, so he would endure.

"It all started when I found out I was pregnant with Jasmine. At that point, I had given up getting an answer from you." Tyra said as she looked right at him.

"I'm sorry." He immediately said, but she just moved on.

"I immediately went to the doctor, fearing that Jasmine might have the same disease as her aunt." She said before she took a deep breath and he knew the first blow was coming.

"Those results shattered my family and started my life down a downward spiral." She said and he watched mom and dad give each other a worried look.

"My results confused the doctors. They said that my blood had given them strange results. They had then tested my blood and found what our blood had magik cells in it." He couldn't stop my eyes from widening.

They were the blood cells that allowed psychics and other folks to use magic. Wait, our kind didn't have those genes. They never had.

" I can tell you three have already worked it out. The only way I could have those genes was to have a magic user as a parent." She explained as mom and dad's eyes widened in surprise and complete shock.

A wolf and a magic user had never had a child before. The two had hated either other for as long as history had been written.

"Father realized it instantly and immediately left the room. Mom followed after, but the evidence made it undeniable. My mother's mate was not my father. I had been conceived before my parents had become mates. " It was extremely uncommon but was possible. Had her mother been seduced by a magic spell?

" Father couldn't forgive mother for laying with another while they had separated. He accused her of knowing I wasn't his child and keeping it from him all along to protect her reputation." Her head lowered a little farther in distress and my heart ached at the sight.

"He wouldn't even look at me. After only a week, he left us to join another pack. The moment he abandoned us, he ceased to be my father in my mind and I haven't talked to him since." She admitted and he could see the sorrow on his mom and dad's face. They seemed to already think of her as a daughter. Hearing all this probably made the parent side of them hurt her.

"Mother then fell into a depression at the loss of her mate. Sometime later, she took her life and left me alone with a father who had abandoned me and the knowledge of a biological father that likely didn't even know I existed." He didn't know what to say. She was strong. There was no doubt about that, but he still wished he hadn't set all of those events into motion.

"On top of that, we had no idea how me being a half-breed would affect Jasmine." She added quietly and he got the feeling she was holding back. Was she being a half-breed why Jasmine had pulled away when the doctor had tried to look at her?

"I had to labor through her birth alone and care for her on my own afterward." She said, far more quietly.

"I'm sorry," I said again, not knowing what else to say, or describe the ache in my chest. She opened her mouth, but a small sound made us all start and the subject was dropped.

"Mommy?" A small voice said and we all turned.

"Are we going to go play with the other wolves now? Like we did with grandpa and uncle?" She asked as she rubbed one of her eyes to try and wake herself farther. The sight made me smile.

" Do you want to?" Tyra immediately asked and Jasmine nodded. When Tyra rose, I did too.

"We always used to spar every morning. Jasmine enjoys it and sometimes joins in." Tyra explained and pride rose inside me in response.

"Do the pack wolves still spar at the meadow every morning?" Tyra asked and I nodded, still a little shocked she wanted to spar with the others. The pack had some of the best fighters out of most of the packs. Most avoided sparing with them.

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