Chapter Eight

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Kadian's POV - Wednesday, October 15

Josimaya's brother? Why was he important? What could he do and what did he have to do with Oliver being taken? I didn't know but I was about to find out. I yanked out my phone and had to think hard for a minute before remembering how to get ahold of him. Finally the construction crew was letting people onto Oliver's street but I knew it was too late. We got there and the door was cracked open so we hurried inside to find his mom and check on her. Sammy and Carlos made it to her just as the call was picked up.

"Who's this?" A deep voice asked, sounding slightly suspicious of who was calling him.

"Kadian. Why was I told to call you by Oliver?" I asked flat out. I was not going to beat around the bush here. I needed to know where my mate was and now.

"Ah so it's started then. Relax, Josimaya has your mate and will keep him safe and unharmed until we can safely get him out, hopefully taking down the angels trying to use him at the same time." I was only seeing red now. My mate was bait and in the hands of people that wanted to use him. I know I could trust Josimaya with Oliver's safety. He was the angel in charge of training and preparing us for Oliver, and had said he would always be at our beck and call when it came to helping to protect him.

"You used my mate as bait." The others were all looking at me now and they could tell by the calm of my voice that I was about to explode.

"It was the only wa-"

"You fucking used my mate as bait for those that want to use and kill him!" I could hear him wincing on the other end of the line. You never endanger an Angel's mate on purpose especially without alerting the Angel to it before hand and letting them decide on if it's worth the risk. Now, because I had found Oli and put our protectors' marks on him, we are a higher status than Josimaya and his brother so he just angered the wrong Angel.

"But we had no othe-"

"There is always another way. you and your brother were the ones to tell us that weren't you? Did you even run your asinine plan by your superiors, by the Lord who Oliver's fate belongs to? Or did you just figure this was the best way to take care of everything on your own?"

"We....uhm....I thought...."

"You thought it wouldn't matter didn't you." I accused. I heard a crack and realized I had just broker the case on my phone and would break the phone soon if I didn't calm down. "You thought everything would be fine just tossing Oli to them just because Josimaya is with him. You thought that nothing that bad could happen. You just tossed the Lord's gem into the hands of those that plan to use it against our Lord. Josimaya can only stop him on his own for so long and from doing so much. Did you even think about what this would do to Oli? My mate was taken from his own home against his will by the very ones we promised, the ones we swore to protect him from."

"Kadian, my child, calm yourself." I felt someone take my phone from me and heard them talking but I could no longer hear what was being said. "My child, so caring and so brave. I know what has happened and I am truly upset with Josimaya and his brother but they had they did it with the best intentions at heart. I need you to calm down and listen to me and tell your friends, Oli's protectors, everything I tell you."

"Is he alright? how long has he just been standing there? Should we take him to his mom?" I hear Karver ask after a while and blink rapidly a few times and shake my head to bring myself back from what just happened. "Kadian? You alright?"

"Course he isn't his mate just got taken. Idiot!" Justin says and I hear a smack then a whine. I chuckle and look back to them.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But I need to tell you guys something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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