Chapter Three

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Oliver's POV - Tuesday, August 26, 2014

~After School~

Today was fairly normal. Turning in the information packets we'd gotten the day before and getting more info that we had to look through. The teachers informed us that the entire week would be like this. Getting information and getting to know the other students and then we'd dive into the class work. Not that anyone was complaining. Right now, I was heading to my locker to gather my things before heading off. As soon as I had everything loaded into my backpack, I heard Kadian's footsteps running towards me. I closed my locker and turned towards him just as he slowed to a stop in front of me.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep. Let's get going." I replied and he started moving off towards the parking lot. I followed beside him as we made our way out of the building and down the stairs to the uneven parking lot. Since it was the end of school, it was loud, even outside. I get hear everyone calling out their good byes or saying they'll meet up later to hang out.

"Alright. Here you go. I may be agreeing to help you disobey your mother but I'm not going to let you or me be without a helmet this time because of it." He said and placed the helmet in my hand.

"Wait, does that mean you weren't wearing one yesterday?" I asked before I put the helmet on.

"Oh, right. I was curious why you didn't ask about that yesterday and it just slipped my mind later. No, I wasn't. But I wasn't really that worried about it." He said and I just shrugged. I wasn't going to argue with him about it. Once we were settled on the bike, we were off. I had no idea where he was taking me but I trusted him so I wasn't worried. I still felt weird, trying to figure out why I felt like I'd be safe as long as he was with me. About twenty minutes later, I felt him slow to a stop before turning the bike off.

"Alright, gotta walk the rest of the way. It might be a bit difficult so if  you need help just ask." He said as he took the helmet from me.

"I'm pretty used to walking on most terrains, though snow and ice still manage to make me look like some new born fawn according to my mother." I said and heard him give a slightly laugh.

"Well, we'll be going through the woods up to a cliff outlook and there are dead trees and logs everywhere. Just want to make sure you won't trip." He said and I bit my lip and thought for a minute. I know I could get through fine but it could take forever to especially if we have to walk more than a a few yards.

"Alright, I might need a bit of help if you want to get there before dinner time." I said with a bit of resignation and held my hand out to him. I could practically hear the smile I knew was on his face. How did I know? No idea, I just did.

"Good idea." He said calmly, obviously trying to keep the sound of triumph out of his voice, and failing. I felt the usual sensitivity to touch when he grabbed my hand but it felt like more than just that. It felt like he was touching a different part of my body and I was trying very hard to keep from making some embarrassing noise. I felt him tug slightly to signal that we were moving and let him lead me into the woods. We were walking for probably ten minutes before the ground started to even out a bit on it felt like it was flat with grass rather than littered with leaves and rocks.

"We there?" I asked and felt him pull me a few more steps before he let me go.

"Yep. No just don't move to much farther forward. There is a railing but it's old and I doubt it'll hold anyone up." I just gave a nod. "Alright, why don't we sit on the ground to talk." He said and I carefully lowered myself to sit on the ground, feeling him sit down directly in front of me, our knees touching as we both sat with our legs crossed. The grass felt soft, not like most where it you touch a blade of grass it feels like it'll give you a paper cut. This felt a cloud I guess. I couldn't think of anything other than that to describe the feeling.

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