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Oliver's POV - Thursday, October 4, 2001

"If you don't stop picking on you brother right now Josh, I will ground you for a week." My dad yelled at my eldest brother. He was barely thirteen now and currently teasing my other brother, Cameron who was seven, by stealing his game boy and holding it out of his reach. Josh of course thought it was funny for our quiet brother to try and get his game back, taunting him to speak up if he he wanted it back. I, who was four, sat in my car-seat in the middle of the two of them watching the whole thing.

"I'm not picking on him. I'm helping him. If he can't learn to speak up against me then how is he supposed to speak up against anyone else?" He reasoned as he once again yanked the game boy of of Cameron's reach.

"Josh! Stop it now! Give it back or i'm going to take away your cellphone." Josh had just been given a cellphone for his birthday and he never put the thing down except when he picked on Cameron or played with me.

"You wouldn't. Mom will yell at you for taking away my only way to call for help in an emergency. You know how overprotective she is of us." Josh argued back, completely ignoring our dad's demands and threats. The next thing to happen seemed to happen all too fast and yet so painfully slowly. Dad shot his hand out to the back seat to grab the game boy from Josh, taking his eyes off the road for two seconds but in the dark and rainy night, two seconds was all it took for us to swerve off the road and the car to roll off the side of the road and down the hill below. All i could hear were my families screams of pain and the sickening sound of metal being smashed in, the loud shatter of the windows as they rained glass across us only adding to the pounding of rain outside the car.

After what felt like hours but was more likely only minutes, the car stopped rolling. I couldn't see, my eyes hurting from something hitting them, though I couldn't remember what. I noticed I was upside down and tried to look around but it was pointless, all I saw was black. I called out for my dad and got no answer from him, same went for my brothers. I had learned a little while ago how to undo my car-seat buckles and managed to get out of it, landing on my stomach as I fell out of it. I reached up to try and find my brothers and was met with a warm sticky liquid and i didn't want to know what it was. I reached around for my brothers phone which i knew was in his pockets and felt the keys for the first button. He'd said it was called speed dial and it would always connect him to mom when he pressed it then the call button. So I did what he had shown me to do only last week.

"Josh? What's up sweetie? You guys almost home?" She asked, completely oblivious of what had just happened.

"Mommy!" I yelled into the phone. "Josh and then Cameron...Daddy tried to stop them. broken mommy. It rolled. They won't answer me. Mommy, I'm scared!" I cried into the phone. "I can't see anything mommy. Come get me mommy, please." I heard her panicked voice as she told me to not hang up no matter what. That she'd come get me but I could tell something was wrong. I stayed on the phone crying as I sat curled up on the floor, or I guess it would probably be the roof, Listening to Mommy trying to calm me down as she spoke to someone else. I didn't know how long I sat there before I heard the loud sirens that mommy had told me were the heros that always rescued people when they were in trouble.

"Oliver!" I heard my mother yell. It wasn't just an echo through the phone, I heard her outside the car.

"Mommy!" I yelled, hitting the end button and clutching my brothers phone in my hands. I could hear a bunch of peope and then the sound of metal being ripped open, causing me to cover my ears at the terrifying sound. I felt hands grab me and pull me out before my mom grabbed me as I was set down and felt hands checking over me and cleaning me up.

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