Chapter 4: You Can't Change the Past.

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Hey Guys! Thanks for liking this What If story. I'm really enjoying doing this one. Hope you enjoy!

Mikey was going to meet up with his brother and the guys, I decided not to go because seeing Frank might bring up some memories and I won't be able to control myself. I wanted to know where things went wrong. But how do I know if me being with Frank isn't just something from the past? How do I know if it's not just the feeling of liking him again? I don't know what to believe anymore. Things are spinning out of control and I don't like it. Who can I tell? Who can I talk too that won't think I'm a nut job? How do I change the past? I paced around my hotel room quietly. 

"You can't change the past." A ghostly whisper snaked around me sending shivers crawling up my spine. I cringed as I felt sick at the thought that I can't change things so I'll be with the man I love. I don't care what the whisper said I'm going to try. Because I'm a stubborn little bitch. What went wrong in my past? I thought about what could have gone wrong. There's a long list.

-My younger brothers died in a car accident.

-My parents found the stress too much and split.

-I lived with my dad.

- I went to Belleville and got bullied.

-I didn't care about anything and became really depressed.

-I got addicted to alcohol and prescribtion meds.

-I tried to kill myself too many times to count.

-I was abused by my mom.

-I was raped.

God the list keeps on going. But the first one seemed to be where this all started. Because if two brothers hadn't gotten hit by that car they would still be here and my parents would still be together, I wouldn't have moved with my dad to Belleville and went to Belleville High School where I was teased until  became depressed and started drinking and doing drugs. And if I hadn't started those I wouldn't have tried to kill myself and have been beaten by my mom. And I wouldn't have been walking home from that party, drunk and gotten raped. Then I wouldn't have gotten pregnant and decided to have an abortion. And then I wouldn't have gotten even more depressed where I had to leave New Jersey and move up to New York with my dad for the last year of High School. I have a feeling something good happened in my last year of High School if I went to Queen of Peace. I want to know how I can change this. I have to figure this out soon, I feel time is running out. My heart raced as an Idea popped into my head. I grabbed my jacket and walked to Mikey's room. The halls were only lit by the lights hanging from the ceiling and walls. I stopped at the door and knocked. I heard some one coming to open the door. It opened a crack and some one's hazel eyes peeked out. The door opened wide revealing Frank standing there. I swalloed hard as he watched me with the beautiful hazel eyes.

"Yes?" He asked. My heart swelled at the sound of his voice. I smirked slightly.

"Can I talk to you out here for a moment? I asked nervously. He waited for a moment then came out, closing the door behind him. I led him to the roof where we first met.The night air cool and crisp. The wind whisking my hair around viloently. I stood on the ledge carefuly. I wanted him to remember. Yet again I don't even remember. Frank looked confusedly at me. I watched him for a long moment letting the memories soak in. He looked like he was losing his patience with me. I didn't know what else to do. If he doesn't remember me now how will he remember me ever?

"Listen lady, I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing but I'm not having any of it." He said in a strong annoyed voice. Then a memory flashed beore my eyes. A boy, that looked just like him., Avery. A boy named Avery. Frank named hiim, our son. After a boy he met in a coffee shop, he liked the name and so he named our son Avery. Frank began to walk away from me. I jumped at him slightly, my hand gripping his arm lightly. His eyes snapped at me. I toke a deep breath.

"Avery." I whispered softly. Frank's eyes softened as they watched me. 

"If you ever have a son, you're going to name him Avery." I said louder. Frank turned to me.

"Avery, after a boy in Star Bucks one day, yesterday. He came up to you and asked for your autograph, you asked him his name and he said Avery." I announced to him. Frank looked at me then shook his head slowly. He didn't believe me. 

"That only proves you were in Star Bucks yesterday." Frank said then walked away from me. I didn't bother to try and stop him. I felt my heart ache. My plan didn't work. He will never remember me. And  will be cursed with all these memories of what could have been. 

I lay in my bed in the dark, only the light of the moon shining in through the curtains. I was tired, from crying. Every time Frank popped into my mind, memories would come to me. Apparently first time we met I got pregnant and had twins Avery James Iero and Charlotte Gem Iero. I got married to him. I was living with him happily. I had a huge family that was happy and healthy. Where'd that all go? 

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