Chapter 14: Born in July And Has Cancer. Irony.

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"Hey Frank," I said in a small whisper. Frank looked at me with a blank expression. We lay in be late that night and listened as the sound of soft snores and childhood dreams unrevaeled in minds of innocent people.

"Do you remember?" I asked softly. I hoped he remembered what that meant. I hoped he remembered period. I heard him turn over and face me. I looked at him with glassy eyes. His face was even pailer in the moon light. His head rested on his folded arm, his hair was still long but not too long. It's dark locks rested nicely on the white pillow.  He wore a neutral expression before smiling.

"Yes, I do." He whispered softly. I felt a slight weight lift from me.

"Do you ever wonder what life would have been like if you didn't remember?" I asked slowly my voice quiet and gentle. Frank's eyes became watery and glass like as he wore no expression at all. I was three small water droplets drip from his eyes.His nose became a pink colour and his eyes were dark with rings around them. He leaned in close and kissed me sweetly. He pulled away and gazed into my eyes.

"No." He replied.

The Next Morning. . .

I got out the bowls and cereal boxes, my mind wandering about what's been happening lately. It was only two days ago that I gave birth to the twins and now I'm a mother of four living in England and has a son with cancer. I know this must be some sort of joke or something, but where are all these memories coming from? Are these fake memories? Yeah I wish. All of the kids were in the living room watching Staurday morning cartoons or drawing, what ever they were doing they were in one room doing it. Sam, Dean and James were being lazy this Saturday morning. They still lay in their room. All the boys share a room and all the girls share a room. In the boys' room there are two bunk beds since there are only four boys. And in the girls' room two bunk beds and two doubles. Since there are six girls. The guys had to leave early. I mean very early since they were supposed to leave next week instead of today. LynZ had a festival to play at and Joey had to take her little sister shopping so it's just me and Krista. She was making pancakes, so why am I getting the bowls and cereal? I shook my head and put everything back. Krista looked at me with concerned eyes.

"What's up babe?" She asked sweetly. I sighed and watched as my hands shook. I felt something heavy on my chest and I couldn't breath, the air was thick and heavy. I felt my eyes became watery as they saw a picture of me and Matt when he wasn't sick. He was sitting in my lap and my head was on his shoulder and we were both smiling. He looked so much like his dad. He was about nine in this. Seeing this just made me feel so bad about what he's going through. Like it's my fault he has cancer. I remembered a joke he said when we found out, He said "Huh, I'm born in July and I got cancer. Irony is a bitch."  I found that really funny not because he said it but because he just found out he had cancer and he's joking around. That's my Matty boy. King of jokesters. Krista pulled me away and sat me down at the table. Her lush brown eyes looking into mine. She squwated in front of me and held my hands.

"He's gonna get better. I know it." She reassured softly. I wanted to believe her but the odds are slim. I saw Matt come up from his bedroom. Matt is the only boy with his own room and that's because he's staying down stairs where he has his own bathroom. He just one day moved down there with all of his stuff and made himself comfy. None of us wanted to make him move. I jumped up and threw myself at him mindlessly. I felt his body cringe at my touch. I pushed myself away and looked at him with an ashamed expression. He looked like he was in so much pain.

"I'm so sorry." I said quickly. Matt's hands were held up and his expression was twisted.

"It's okay." He whispered walking passed me. I watched as he went to the fridge and pulled out the carton of chocolate milk. He grabbed a glass and poured it into the glass and sipped it slowly. I have no idea how chocolate milk makes him feel better. I guess it's a Matt thing. I really felt bad about lunging myself at him. Krista was back at flipping pancakes happily. I stood beside him. Matt was wearing a black tee shirt which showed how red his usually pail skin was. He wore a pair of pail blue PJ bottoms that sagged slightly. He had longish dark hair like his dad, it was messy and sweat coated. He unlike his siblings had blue eyes instead of hazel. I was odd that he had my eyes instead of his dad's. He sipped the chocolate milk and watched me carefully.

"I'm truly sorry." I said softly. Matt thre his hands up again and made a face.

"I aint even mad." He quoted.

I heard Krista giggle slightly as she piled the cooked cakes onto a plate. I eyed her up and smirked. I shook my head and made my way to the boys' room. I had to get Sam, Dean and James up for breakfast because we're going out afterwards. I don't know if Matt should or what but I am not leaving him at home alone. I opened the door to their room, the door had all the boys' names on it and a few posters. I stepped into the shady room. The dark blue curtains let in limited sun light but the room was still dark. I looked over to the first pair of bunk beds which was on you left when you come in. Dean slept on the top bunk and on the bottom slumbered James. I looked to my right which was where the other pair of beds were. They were up by the window which was straight ahead. Sam slept on the top bunk. I smiled at them. The room was a usual boy's room, messy. Clothes lay on the floor and toys scattered every where. I could tell they tried to make a fort by the blankets on the floor in a pile. All the beds were a mess. I patted Dean's back. I saw him prop his head up and look at me.

"Time to get up." I whispered softly. He looked at me with grogy eyes and nodded. I went down to James and did the same. Dean hopped down from the ladder and made his way into the social world. I moved to Sam and shook him a bit harder than I did to Dean and James only because Sam sleeps hard. His eyes flew open and he made his way down into the kitchen. I followed behind him happily. Every one sat at the kitchen table with a plate in front of them. I sat down beside Bandit and Abby. Bandit was already seven and Abby was six. Boy they grow up fast.  I smiled down at them.

"Aunty Ari!" Bandit called happily for me. I looked down at her with a smile. She gazed up at me and grinned.

"Yes." I said slowly.

"Are we going out today?" She asked curiously. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Why?" I replied. She looked at Krista and smirked.

"I need new drawing pencils." She uttered softly. Bandit's always needing more drawing pencils and she's always needing a new sketch book or more paper. I looked up and Krista whom was smiling.

"We need to go shopping any ways." Krista said sullenly from across the table. Bee cheered happily and got every one excited. I know people may think we always go out and stuff but we don't and it's rare that the kids come with us. So today is a treat for them.

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