Chapter 11: Baby I'm Born This Way.

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Life could not get any better. I've moved in with Frank. I offered to stay in the guest room but he was having none of it. And according to Joey, I'm getting big. In a good way of course. She says I'm glowing like a star. Mikey has a picture of the newest ultra sound pictures in his wallet. We're all living together at the moment. I'm sure Frank isn't too happy about having his band mates invaid his house, but he's enjoying the time we're all having together. Gerard's been sneaking off lately, I wonder where he was going.  I sat with Frank in the kitchen eating breakfast. I had a bowl of cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios to be exact. I had that with a cup of orange juice. Frank looked like a buisness man, he was wearing a new shirt and nice dark wash jeans. And his long dark hair that I loved so much was neat and combed. He even ate like a buisness man, coffee with a slice of toast with strawberry jam.  Everything looked so bright and colourful.  It was just after seven in the morning and everyone else was asleep. I've always been an early bird, I hate sleeping in because all the fun stuff happens when I'm asleep. Frank and I couldn't take our eyes off the two little girls. They're just so amazing. 

Cherry Anna-Bell Iero. And Lily Abigail Iero. 

Those two names are the most beautiful names I've ever heard. I stared at the photo until Gerard came in looking dressed to the nines. He was all clean and fresh. He was even whistling happily. Gerard never whistles unless something is going really well for him. I smiled up at him as he poured himself a to go cup of coffee. I looked at Frank who wore a surprised expression. 

"Good morning Gerard." I said happily sipping my O.J. Gee turned and looked at me, he kept up the whistling. 

"Morning." He replied with a cherry voice. I looked at Frank again and smirked.

"Go'n to see LynZ?" Frank asked. I sat up straight in my seat. I was curious as to who this LynZ character is. Gerard's face lit up like a light bulb and a goofy boy smile danced across his face. 

"Who's LynZ?" I asked in a light tone. Gerard stopped and smiled wider. 

"Gerard's been dating her since the sixteenth week ultra sound." Frank said in the best possible way. I stood up and waddled over to Gerard. He stood about a foot taller than me. He and I knew what persued him into dating LynZ. Just then we heard four faint knocks at the front door. I waddled okay foot note, I cannot walk because it's not a walk, it's a waddle. So yeah. I opened the front door to see a beauiful girl standing there is a white dress shirt and a Cathloic school girl skirt. Her dark hair was curled in mature pig tails. She had lush dark brown eyes and she had fair skin. She looked me over and smiled.

"Hi, is Gerard ready?" She asked. I smiled and nodded her in. She accepted and stepped inside. Gerard was putting his shoes on. I only thought that it would be rude if I kept her outside. Plus I want to meet her. I don't know if this is the famous LynZ or just a friend of Gerard's.  I turned to her and smiled again.

"Oh! I'm Ari by the way." I introduced happily. I stuck out my hand, she shook it happily. She looked me over a few times and gave me a huge smile.


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