Chapter 16: Save Yourself, I'll Hold Them Back.

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I sit in the front seat of the car, the day Frank and I went for the photoshoot. I felt tired and worn out. Frank had just told me to rest for a little while my mind weery and hazed. I settled into the seat, feeling the occasional kicks of the twins. I drifted off into a light sleep. I could hear the other cars pass us and the wind rush over the car. I felt the viberations from the engine. My mind lightly misted by nice thoughts and memories of what could have been. They hazed and swirled behind my eye lids. They became heavier and darker and the feeling that something bad is about to happen lingered in the air. It was like a nightmare that I needed to wake up from. Flashes of people standing over me lingered in my mind. In that split second I felt like things were right then it all disappeared and I jumped up in my seat, my body landing in the soft area. I sighed and brushed the hair out of my face. My eyes wandered to the rear view mirror. I jumped again as I noted that their were a pair of fermilure plain brown eyes piercing through me. They weren't there before and nor should they be here now.

"If you change the past, it'll change you." The person said in a ghostly voice that sent shivers down my spine.

My eyes flew open and my body jerked in a way that moved the entire bed. I felt really warm and I was plastered in sweat. I lay in the dark room with some one lying beside me, the small body mass indecaited it was Frank whom slumbered beside my quaking body. I felt sick from my stomach twisting and turning from that stupid dream. My hot soaked feet padded the cold wooden floors as I entered the bathroom. I knelt over the toilet, my head hanging low between my shoulders. I cringed and binged viloently as every thing that was in my stomach was up chucked into the toilet bowl. My arms was still shaking even as I washed my face. My appearance in the mirror made me look horrid. My hair was going back dark and it was messy and coated with dirt and sweat as it looked like a rat's nest on top of my head, the ends curled in and it stuck out in chunks. My pail skin white as a ghost. Dark rings hung low under my ice blue eyes. My lips faded and dry. I held a towel up against my face as I patted it dry from the water I had just splashed on my face. I was so tired but I was scared I'd have that dream again. I won't be able to sleep for a little while, not after that. What did that . . . That . . . .That thing mean by 'If you change the past, it'll change you'? Huh. Those eyes were so fermilure. Where have I seen them before? I looked from the sink to the mirror and jerked when I saw Joey standing there. She wore one of  Mikey's tee shirts. Her long dark hair up in a messy bun. She looked at me with worried eyes and a . . . .the eyes. She had the same plain brown eyes as the person I saw in the mirror. I turned to look at her. It must be my mind playing tricks on me. Joey's eyes, I see them every day and they always make me wonder who she really is. Joey never really talks about her past. I mean Sarah talks about what they used to do as kids but it sounds like she's talking about a completely different person than who's standing before my eyes. My heart raced as I cupped it in my hand. 

"Jeez." I muttered softly but scarely. Joey leaned on the door frame.

"Hey." She greeted with a creepy tone. I leaned against the counter and watched her nervously.

"Hi." I replied.

Joey crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me with those plain brown eyes that have been haunting my dreams. I swallowed hard and gripped the edge of the counter top tightly. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared my mind ran through millions of things at once. I felt the tension between us strengthen and become known.

"If you change the past." I began without control. Joey watched me intently, she tilted her head to the side so it was resting on the door frame. A smile crocked on her pail face.

"It'll change you." She whispered and stepped into the bathroom. My nerves were on fire as electricity surged through my arms and legs. You have to get out of here Ari. I reminded myself. Joey closed the bathroom door and watched me with the eyes that made me remember so much it sent me in a dizzy. I dropped to the floor and gripped my head as memories blasted my mind into peices. Memories that I have and had. From this life and the next. My eyes became blurred as hot, salty water filled them and flooded my ice cold face. My body sweat but it was cold and quaking harder than anything. My hands knotted in my hair as I practically ripped it out. I looked up at her. Joey stood over me, looking down her nose at my fearful body.

"What are you?"

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