Seventeen - Mingyu

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"Miss Oh, Im sorry but I can't come with you for your meeting with Mr Kim because your father just called me for another urgent meeting. Mr Kim were at the meeting room 6 already." Her father's secretary, Mr Son said through the phone.

"It's okay though. I'll see you later." She ended the call.

Fixing her short, light brown hair and a bit too short and tight skirt, she grabbed the pile of document on her table and leave her room. It's already 9:45 and she's supposed to be there fifteen minutes earlier. If it's not because of her dad, she wouldn't be there, she would still laying on her bed.

To make it clear, her father's company are doing a join venture? Something like that and he's supposed to attend a meeting with the other company's CEO this morning but he has another urgent meeting outside and he must attend it or it will affect his company. So, on behalf of her father, she have to attend the meeting. Despite only 19 years old, because of her high reputation family, she already act like a lady in their 30s.

"If it's not Im waiting for that old bald man Mr Son, Im there already. Why did dad even hired someone like him? Duh." She sighed, fastening her pace to the meeting room.

She's a well-mannered girl actually, but because she's rushing, she had to ignore people's greetings.

"Meeting room 6, okay." She pulled the glass door, revealing a guy with broad shoulder backing her.

That hair look familiar,

"Mr?" She called out and the person stood up, facing her.

"Noona?" He called,

"Mingyu? What are you doing here?" She asked, completely puzzled.

"Im the one who asked you that noona." He, Mingyu replied

"Gosh Mingyu, this is my dad's company." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright, alright. I don't know more but my dad send me here to discuss with this company's CEO which is Mr Oh, your dad, because he have to fly to Singapore this morning." Mingyu replied.

"Duh, what a coincidence." She continued, smiling.

"Yah, we have to discuss about this join venture thingy and get out from this place. Geez, it's suffocating here." She sat down, slamming the documents on the table.

"Noona, lets not talk about that thing because one, I dont want to, and two, I want to have a date with you in your dad's company." Mingyu said, sitting down beside her and leaning his head on her shoulder.

"And what if both of our dads ask what we've discuss today?" She ruffled his hair, "Well, Sunggyu hyung had done it for me as I kept his secret that he drink with her secretary last week." Mingyu answered

"I don't know that Sunggyu can be fooled that easy by his own brother, duh." She chuckled, "Noona, you know that you're cute right? No need to chuckled like that noona~" He sang and she punched his arm lightly.

"Threw away your cheesy words, Gyu." She scrunched up her nose and started sribbling on her notebook.

Two minutes of silent, "Noona~" That 18 years old boy beside her whined, "What you want Gyu."

"I want you Young~" He sang, it's annoying.

"Kim Mingyu, be proffesional at work." She snapped out and Mingyu seems to be taken aback then she laughed right away, "Why are you laughing noona?!"

"Your face is so hilarious!" She continued.

"Aish, really." He pinched her cheek before she reached out to pinched his nose, "Noona, it hurts!"

"Pabo, Im hurting too!" She yelled, releasing her grip on his nose and grabbed his purple-ish hair instead because he still, pinching her cheek hard.

"Noonaaaaa!" He yelled, pinching her cheek and nose at the same time, "Mingyuuuuuuu!"

"Ehem." A fake cough making both of them startled and released their hand from each other's face.

"Mr Son." She mumbled, "Well, sorry if Im interrupting but, Miss Oh, Mr Oh is already here." The man in his mid 40s with bald hair said as the two of them stood up straight.

"Already?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "His meeting was canceled."

"Mr Son! Oh, Hayoung are here too?" A man in his early 50 that is her father popped out from nowhere and join the three of them in that room.

"Yes, dad." She replied, politely, "And who's the tall boy we have here?" He asked, eyeing Mingyu from head to toe.

"Oh, hello, Im Kim Mingyu," He stopped and held her hand, "Oh Hayoung's boyfriend." He smiled meanwhile the girl beside him have her eyes widened in shock and her dad seems confused too.

"Kim Woongil's second son, Kim Sunggyu's younger brother." Mr Son whispered to him and he eyed him once again, making her daughter releasing his hand from her's.

"Don't touch my one and only daughter," The three of them shocked, "Unless you want to make her your wife."

A wide smile plastered on Mingyu's face and her's.

"Enjoy your time kids. Let's go Mr Son." He walked away along with his secretary.

"Yah! You little piece of-"

"Your dad allowed me to marry you already noona." He smiled sheepishly, "Do that again and you're dead, Mingyu."

"Well, atleast I had your dad's permission already." He smirked and she turned around, attempted to walked away before he grabbed her hand, spinning her around and planted a peck on her lips.

"I know this is cheesy but who cares?I love you." He muttered and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Let's go!" He grabbed her hand, dragging her out from the room, "Where?"



Requested by : @apinkuee

cheesier than i thought it would be.
maybe bcs i had extra cheese pizza this morning

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