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Luna's P.O.V

It was one of those nights. I dreamt I was back in the dungeons of Malfoy manor,trapped. I dreamt the pain of the torture and my begging for freedom. I dreamt the boy who saved my life. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. If he hadn't snuck food down to me in the midst of the night, I would probably be dead.

I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs and pulling my hair. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I heard someone open the door and rush in. I didn't think to look up though, I was screaming to much to move. I felt big arms rap around me and comfort me. They didn't say anything, they just rubbed my back in a soothing way. After I had stopped sobbing into their shoulder for about 30 minutes I finally looked to see who my comforter was. "Draco!?" I was quite surprised, I didn't think he'd be the one to calm me down.
" it's OK Luna, I came to help." He replied in a soft voice. "I'm fine now. You can leave if you want." I didn't want to make eye contact. " I'm not leaving you, not after that!"
"Shhh Luna it's OK, get some rest, I'll be right here." He laid down and gestured for me to rest on his chest. I did and it was actually very comfortable. After about an hour we both fell asleep.

I woke up to the brightness of the sun shining through the window. My eyes, nose and throat hurt from last nights incident. I tried to get up but something pulled me back down. It was then that I realized the boy who helped me was still sleeping next to me shirtless! "Hey why are you up so early?" A sweet little voice mumbled. It sounded quite adorable. Stop it Luna you are NOT falling for Draco Malfoy! I didn't answer his question or think about what I was saying next. "Why are you shirtless?" I felt so awkward after asking that and I don't know why. "It's so hot in your room and it's even hotter with you around." He obviously didn't think before saying that.
"Are you saying that I'm..."
"Maybe." He winked at me
Why in earth was he acting so cute all of a sudden!? We both laid back down and he snuggled his face into my hair and neck. We were both smiling so much that our cheeks hurt. I couldn't quite hear what he said but it was rather " come on its Saturday lets sleep in" or " Pokemon is such I cool game lets play it." I'm pretty sure it was the first option seeing as he's never had much to do with muggles and their games. For pretty much the rest of the day we just stayed in bed until dinner.

Sorry this is a really short chapter and the next one will be too. Apologies.

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