Chapter 12

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DARTH VADER was a terrifying sight to behold. He was nearly seven feet tall in height, garbed from head to toe in sleek black armor and a long cape. The visor of his helmet, which covered his entire head and face, was tinted red. And he was all the more frightening when you were unfortunate enough to meet him in mêlée combat, lightsaber-on-lightsaber.

Kanan bravely tried to conceal his fear. He had never seen Darth Vader in person before - only on a couple HoloNet broadcasts in which the cyborg could be seen at Emperor Palpatine's side - and had certainly never wished to. He also knew little more about Darth Vader than the facts that Vader was Emperor Palpatine's second... and extremely dangerous.

Kanan could feel the Dark Side of the Force resonating from his new opponent. It combined with his terror to chill his blood. He had to struggle to shut out the cold, anger, and hatred.

"I have heard much about you, Kanan Jarrus," growled Darth Vader. His voice was mechanically altered, muffled, and slightly magnified in sound by his mask, as was his breathing. "Given all the trouble your cell has caused, I expected more."

Kanan was not in the mood for the snarky quip he would typically reply with. "Specter Five!" he shouted. He could hear that his own voice was a couple octaves higher than average. "Call the others. We need to get out of here. Now!"

"You will not be leaving here alive." Darth Vader walked forward, his boots resounding on the metallic floor. Kanan's own feet slid as he strained to press Vader back. "Your companion may call reinforcements if she has time before Agent Kallus silences her, but let them come. I will crush them all, just as I am about to crush you."

Kanan fearfully glanced over at Sabine. She was still on her front on the floor multiple feet away, stirring with a dazed moan. The sight of Agent Kallus, poised above Sabine for the third time with the still-operational, separated halves of his Bo-Rifle, sent an extra wave of horror through Kanan.

"Sabine!" he shouted, throwing the codenames they normally used to the wind. There was no doubt that Darth Vader already knew who she really was. "Sabine, move!"

It almost sounded like Darth Vader chuckled. "Your friend-"

Whatever cold thing Darth Vader was about to say, Kanan never got to hear it. Sabine raised her head, then swiftly rolled to the side as Agent Kallus lunged the remnants of his Bo-Rifle downwards. All the agent hit was the floor.

Sabine had dropped her blasters, but she leapt to her feet, seizing the nearest one. She pointed it at Agent Kallus even as she grabbed her com. "Specter Two!" she shrieked, staring in terror at Kanan and Darth Vader. "We need a lift - right now!"

Darth Vader emitted a low growl. "Finish the girl, Kallus!"

"No!" Kanan shoved forward with all of his might. Darth Vader stepped back once, and that was all Kanan needed. "Sabine! Run!"

"I'm not leaving you here, Kanan!" Sabine shouted, firing at Agent Kallus as the agent darted towards her. Now that his Bo-Rifle had been split, he couldn't deflect her shots as safely as before, and could only narrowly dodge them. On top of that, Kallus' shoulder was mildly injured from when Sabine had shot him earlier, giving his enemy a further advantage.

"GO!" Kanan leapt away from Darth Vader, forcing the awful cyborg to follow him. "I'll be right with you, Sabine! This won't be like the last time, I swear it!"

Sabine could only believe him. Managing to nail Agent Kallus in the breastplate with one last blaster bolt, she clipped her com back onto her belt, grabbed her other rifle, and sprinted for the hole Kanan had previously sliced into the freighter's side.

Darth Vader reached out one black-gloved hand, curling his fingers inward, and Sabine froze. The Mandolorian clutched at her throat, gasping for breath, as she was lifted several inches off the ground by an unseen grasp.

Kanan's eyes widened. He lunged towards Darth Vader, swinging his lightsaber. Vader dropped Sabine and turned back to Kanan, meeting the Jedi in a clashing of blades.

Sabine rubbed her throat, struggling to recover even as she scrambled back up and out of the freighter after one last glance Kanan's way.

Kanan was relieved to see her go, but he was going to keep his promise, even though the results of this battle seemed like they would be ill-fated for him.

"Your companion may have slipped away today, Jedi, but I assure you: you will not be so fortunate," Darth Vader snarled. As he once more struggled to overpower Vader, Kanan believed him.

That's when the entire freighter gave a sudden lurch. Darth Vader staggered and fell, his lightsaber sheathing itself as it rolled from the Imperial's grasp. Kanan stumbled too, but was able to keep his balance. Grinning in relief, Kanan ran, leaping over Agent Kallus' unconscious body, then sprinted through the hole he'd created earlier after Sabine.

What he would do without Hera, Kanan didn't know.

Darth Vader raised his head, growling, then lifted one hand. His lightsaber flew to his grasp.

These rebels will not escape me unscathed.


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