Tell him the Truth

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Who the fuck is she talking to like that? I thought. But I didn't let my thoughts get to me

"He's an old friend of my, um mothers" I thought quickly

I hated to be lying on my mother, but I ain't trynna let Rod find out about Ken. I mean he knows I slept with a man during our break , but he don't know it was Ken, and he aint finding out today

"Yo momma? What's her name?" she asked smartly looking at her husband

"Rain, and it's nothing like your thinking, she passed almost 6 years ago." I said getting the idea that he was sleeping with my mom outta her thick ass head

"Mhm, that all?" she asked cutting her eyes at me

"yes ma'am" I smiled

I know she aint raise him, but this still is my boyfriend's mother, and I did sleep with her husband, I guess I could be nice

"Okay, well Rod it was nice seeing you, and I didn't give you my number and address for you to not use it you better call me boy" She laughed hitting his shoulder playfully

The whole time Ken just stared at me, then back at Rod.

I looked at him before they started to walk off and he smirked

"Have a nice day" I said smartly

Once they were gone, Rod's whole mood changed, like permantly, cause two weeks later, he was still acting weird.

We were in the car on our way back from class, he didn't say not one word, hold my hand, or even look my way, it honestly bothered me. But I wasn't gonna say anything if he didn't.

We went to get my babies from Anjol and Rhett, and she is pregnant, we found that out on his birthday.

"Jojo please don't make a lot of noise Kay is sleeping" Rod  said to him as he ran down the halls, racing himself. Don't ask.

"Rod.." I whispered down to him, he was lying on my lap  staring at the ceiling

"Yeah?" he responded still not looking at me

"What's wrong baby?" I asked placing one had on his chest and the other in his hair

".... how do you really know Ken?" he asked looking my way now

I swear on the soul of my late baby, my heart hit the pit of my stomach

"I told you baby, we're cool. He and mommy knew each other back in the day" I said taking my hands off of him and looking toward the window in front of me

"... we've been at this for almost a year, you think I don't know you? I know your happy, excited when your sad, when you're angry,  and I know when you're lying. And your lying to me right now. So Im gonna ask you one more time nicely, how do you know him?"

The tone of his voice kind of frightened me, but part of me wouldn't give in.

I mean how do you tell yo' man you slept with his step father? Before we knew he was his step father?

"I um, Rod, look I told you how I know him" I said nervously trying to keep my lie up

That was one thing I was good for when we were kids, snitching, I was momma's baby and she knew the baby couldn't lie to her, and that shaped me to not being able to lie to anybody, especially about something serious.

"Look at me Rai" he said turning my head back to him

"You love me , right?" he asked quietly

"Do you have to ask?" I asked back

"Do you?" he asked calmly

"Yes Rod, more then I love myself" I confessed

"So if you love me, you'll stop lying to me. Im sure whatever it is can't be that bad.."

"You're gonna leave me.." I said as tears welled in my eyes

"I promised you a long time ago, Im not leaving, not today, not tomorrow, not ever" He said caressing my cheek

I closed my eyes.. and thought about it. I mean there's really no turning back now, cause he know it's some deep shit about to fly outta my mouth

I gotta tell him the truth.... and now

"Remember I told you , while we were broken up I slept with somebody else?" I asked with my eyes still closed

"Yes" he said confused

There were tears streaming down my face by now

"It was Ken" I whispered

He sat up from my legs and stood up. He didn't say anything, and that's what scared me

"Baby say something..." I said standing as well and wiping my face

He paced the floor a little longer before embracing me into a hug????

"I hate that I can't be mad at you..." he said

"What do you mean?" I asked pulling away from him

"I mean, I slept with Bryn right? You slept with Ken... and at the time, we didn't even know who he was and we weren't together. I guess this is like calling it even in a weird way." he sighed

Even? This aint no where near close to even boo I thought. But again, I didn't say anything

"That was easier than I thought" I chuckled

"Yeah, don't let that shit happen again, with nobody" he said pulling me back to him

"Since Im confessing..." I started , still with my head to his chest


"I think Im pregnant."

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