Trust Me, It's yours

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Having the night off, was the best thing for me right now.

I really just need some sleep, with my babies beside me

“TT” Jojo whispered


“Can I stay home with you tomorrow?”

“Of course you can, you okay?”


I completely understand why he doesn't want to go, and I dont blame him, I'd feel the same way if my uncle did that to me.. as I thought that Jaxon came to mind. I've been thinking about the dinner he invited us to

“TT” Jojo whispered again


“Even tho she's not here, does mommy still love us? In heaven?”

“Of course Jo, mommy will always love us”

“Why Uncle Rance don't love us?”

“He does baby, he just has a funny way of showing it, that's all”

“Will he ever get better?”

“Yeah jo, now go to sleep. I love you”

“I love you too TT”


“It hurt's TT” Jojo cried as I cleaned up his stitches and put new gauze on it

“I know boo, but this'll make it feel better” I said finishing up

“Are we gonna see Rod today?”

“He has school and work today, so we might not”

“Aw man” he sighed

“You like when he's around?”

“Yeah, when he's around he makes me happy, he makes Krei happy and you happy”

“He does” I smiled “But today, we're gonna go look for a new house, okay?”

“Okay” he said getting up from the chair he was sitting in


Although leaving this house is something I didn't want to do right now. I have to, I can't stop thinking about her, and after Jojo said it's not the same without her, I knew I had to get him outta here.

I found a couple places not too far from Reed, but not far from Rod either.

One of the town houses I really liked, there were 3 rooms, 2 ½ bath, a full kitchen , living room and dining room. It fit us perfectly.

I signed the lease for 1 year and put a down payment on it.

We should be moving in next week, when Koia can keep the kids for me while I get everything packed and moved.


Jojo was taking a nap on the couch and I was craddling Krei and talking to her,

“I just don't know, sometimes I feel like Im failing. Ever since Aunty Ry died is seems like stuff is just falling apart. Uncle Rance attacked me, and almost killed himself and Jojo. I must be doing something wrong Krei..” I said looking down at her.

She was staring at me like she was interested and wanted me to continue which made me smile

“And you little girl. Your daddy wants to be a daddy now, but he's hurt mommy so much Kay! But at the same time, I can't keep him away from you. I just know him Krei, and I don't want him to be in your life and then just walk right out. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I let him hurt you. I want you to always know whatever mommy does, it's to benefit you. And I know if you knew what I do for a living you wouldn't approve, but I never want you to judge mommy. Never ever think that I don't do everything I can for you and Jojo. I love the both of you. Honestly if I didn't have you guys, I don't know what I'd be doing.” I laughed as I said that last part

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