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(A/N) So most of my Chapter titles are song titles :P I just really like thinking of songs matching the chapter plot. Any who, if you know what band the title is from feel free to comment... Enjoy the story ;)

"Are you doing well?"

"It's always cold. Don't you have heaters here?" I was always one to avoid questions.

"I'm sure if you ask a nurse for a jacket, they'll be more than happy to provide you with one"

I hated the way Dr. Nolemen spoke, like everything was fine, everything's alright. How the hell is he so up-beat with so many depressing people around?

"You know, Trinity, it's been a month since your arrival" Here it comes.

"Yeah, it has, hasn't it? About time for me to go home, don't you think?"

"Actually I don't think, though its been a month none of the doctors or I have found the root to your---"

"That's because there's nothing wrong with me..." I cut him off before he could finish that sentence. I hated when he tried to get to me. I haven't opened up to anyone and I don't plan to.

"Then why are you here?"

I thought about that question everyday. Not 'why am I here in this hospital?' but why am I even of existence at all. All I do is take up meaningless space and if there is a God, then why haven't I been saved. All my life I've been on the edge afraid of when I'd finally fall. Maybe I was just born at the wrong time and in the wrong place...

"-rinity?, Trinity?"

"Oh. Yes?" Must've gotten lost again.

"I said, are you okay?"

No. "Yeah I'm great, is our session over already?"

"Um, yeah. I'll see you in two days. Till then, take care" With that Dr. Nolemen left out the room.

I knew I wouldn't have much time to be alone, rooms were a no alone zone. I'd understand why too, the rooms were more depressing than half the people here. The walls were a dirty white and the floors were just wood boards. The one and only window was made of plastic and had bars on the other side, barley allowing the illuminance of light. The beds weren't even beds but just a plastic mattress, which was very uncomfortable during the night. The worst part of all was the bathroom, instead of a door there was a curtain, a curtain covered with holes. I hate it here...

"Trinity, you can't stay in here much longer, you have to go to the wreck room with the others" And there was Nathan right on cue. He never actually entered my room, not because he couldn't but because one time when I was going pee, he accidently walked in and saw me through the damn curtain.


I got up off the bed and headed to the door, another thing I hate. The door always automatically locked on the outside once it closed. So every time I need to retrieve something from my room I have to ask a nurse.

I opened the door and there stood a waiting Nathan. He was one of the guy nurses here and he was always so soft spoken. From first glance at him you could just tell how much of an emo he was. He had the overly long straight black hair, dark clothing option even though all he wore were scrubs and you could tell he had snake bites even though he never came here with them. If I didn't know he was a nurse I would've thought he was a patient here, which I did think for a while.

I shouldn't be one to judge though. I myself was the same. On a daily basis I was either wearing flannels or band merch, or just plain both. My hair was half red but now fading into a light pink due to the fact that I can't re-dye it. They didn't let the girls bring makeup in here either, I felt naked with out it but wasn't that bothered by it.

Triggering Trinity Where stories live. Discover now