Alternate Ending :,)

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I had asked what hospital Victoria got Transferred to, but no one could tell me anything. I had no clue if she was okay, or if she was even alive. I prayed that someone would tell me any bit of information possible.

As soon as I was brought home I had locked myself in my room unwilling to come out, I blamed myself for the situation Victoria was in. It had been 8 days and everyday that passed made me feel more hollow inside. I hadn't been eating or sleeping properly since I've came back.

My heart ached more than it had ever did before, sometimes when I cried it would be hard to breath at all. When I closed my eyes all I could see was Victoria's limp body on the floor covered in blood the way I found her.

What pained me most right now was not knowing if I'd ever see her again or ever hear her voice again. I didn't like to think that she'd turn out to be nothing but a hurtful memory that would soon fade like paint on walls.

Sometimes I'd go out on my balcony and stare at the sky, I'd get drunk off the stars in the because it seemed to be the only remedy for me right now.

Once again I found myself breaking down into a fit of sobs, there's only so much I could handle. I felt like at any moment I could die of heartbreak, and dehydration from all the tears I've cried.

I clung on to a pillow near me and buried my face into it, just before I heard my door open.

"Go away!" I yelled into my pillow, I didn't care who it is, I just wanted to be alone.

"I thought I was over dramatic" I paused when I heard the all so familiar voice, but it couldn't be, it can't be...

"Victoria?" I asked allowed, I looked up out of my pillow and was stunned to see her before my eyes.

"It's me..." She whispered with a smile.

I jumped out of my bed, striding towards her right before jumping into her arms, I held onto her tightly like I'd lose her again if I let go.

" did...I...." there were so many questions running through my mind, and I was still trying to process it all.

"I'm fine, that's all you need to know" She whispered into my ear.

I pulled away but still kept her at arms length, we stared into each others eyes getting lost in them. I glanced at her wrists, that had bandages wrapped around them. She saw the concern in my eyes, and I saw the apologetic look in hers.

"Your mom said it was okay for me to stay over, I hope that's okay with you?" She asked.

"Of course it's okay with me" I spoke back.

We smiled at each other, I was warmed with her presence, this all seemed like a dream, one moment I was crying into my pillow and the next I'm laughing with a girl I fell hard for.
   All night we talked about pointless topics, and laughed over not so funny things. I had felt content again for the first time in a while. Of course serious concerns were still running through my mind.

   "How'd you find me?" I asked her, we were laying side by side on my bed.
   "A little bird named Nathan helped me" she said with a smile.
I smiled too, even though Nathan was kind of a fling, he knew me too well to know my deep feelings for Victoria before I even knew.

   "So, your mom was totally fine with letting you stay with me?" I asked, but suddenly regretted when she took a deep breath.

   "I didn't want to bring this up to soon but I'm gonna have to tell you sooner or later. Coming here was like, a last request." Last request? I was at lost for words.

   "What do you mean last request, what's going on?" I asked, my words dripping in concern.

   "I'm not dying, if that's what you're thinking" she said with a small laugh. "I'm going to a different hospital tomorrow, yesterday I just got discharged from the hospital, but I just had to see you" A warm feeling spread from my chest through out my whole body hearing her say she had to see me.

   "Why?" Pushing the conversation further.

   "I knew seeing you would give me...hope. Knowing that there's going to be someone waiting for me over here on the other side, it'll give me a reason to want to get better. I want to get, and be better for you Trinity. You're going to be the reason I wake up in the morning, attend group, and drink that pill at night. I think you're just the perfect amount of motivation to make me be the better person I want to be"

   I felt so awed by all that was just said, tears were at the brim of my eyes but for once these tears were not caused by pain.

   I couldn't help what I did next, I rolled over on top of Victoria straddling her, then leant down and pressed our lips together.

   It took her a moment to start kissing back and once she did, I realized just how strong my feelings were for this girl.

   I pulled away, smiling down at her from above. "Well took you long enough to finally make a move on me" she said jokingly.

   "Shut up" I said right before leaning down and kissing her again. This is it, this is what genuine happiness felt like, and it felt incredible.

   After our movie moment, we stayed up all night savoring the time we had left with each other. We held each other, almost afraid to let go. I kept thinking about the moment she was going to have to leave, arriving faster than I wanted.

   We were at my front door, her mom on the other side waiting to take Victoria to another starting point of her life.

   "How long do you think you'll be gone?" I asked her.
"I'm not sure, but I promise I'll write you every time I get the chance. I'll make it impossible for you to forget about me" she joked.
"You already have made it impossible" I said with a smile. We stared at each other for a moment before hearing a honk out side.

   "I should go, but I left something on your bed for you" I pulled her in for a hug, then we kissed one last time not knowing when we'd get the chance again.

   "Stay strong" were her final words before walking out my door, getting in the car and leaving.

   I was afraid of how long she would be gone, I was also afraid of what time can do to emotions and feelings. I didn't want her coming back realizing she didn't want me any more, and I was afraid my feelings would change too.

   I walked up to my bedroom, curious of what she could have left. When I entered my room I saw an album laying on my bed, I picked it up reading the note left on it with a huge grin.
   "Learn some non-basic songs while I'm gone" it was a Nirvana album. Every doubting thought I had, was suddenly gone. "Impossible to forget".

(A/N) thank you for so many reads and positive comments on this story. I reread through this story and actually saw my writing progress, which I am glad for. I'm still trying to learn how to lengthen chapters and not make them choppy. Please read my new story, "The Silence is Loud" and again thank you, I hope this ending was satisfying.

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