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"So why are we 'camping' in the hallways?" I asked Nathan. We were putting up tents in the halls, no one really knew why. " I'll let you in on a little secret" Nathan whispered. " We have bed bugs and the infestation is bad ". Cringe.
"No wonder why I've been itching, I just thought Trinity gave me fleas" Victoria joked.
I hadn't told Nathan about what had been going on, I thought he'd be better off not knowing. He assumed I wasn't talking because of other reasons, hence reasons I'm in here.
Things between me and Victoria were going well. We were practically inseparable, mostly because I literally had no other friends. I didn't mind it at all though. She was more interesting to talk to, she didn't talk about pointless topics, she liked talking about life and what she wanted to make out of it. I loved listening to her talk about all of it and I guess she was still not completely out of her shell  because sometimes she stops in the middle of her words and apologizes for rambling.
     "Did the hospital literally go out and but tents just for this? Why couldn't we be moved to a different floor?" I really wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the ground.
     "Cause this isn't the only floor with bugs" my eye twitched at Nathan's words. Gross. "This hospital should be shut down" I said half-jokingly. I mean it couldn't possibly be approved by the health department at this moment.
     "All done, you wanna see how it looks on the inside?" Nathan asked. I made him put up me and Victoria's tent. After an hour of us attempting to put it together, it would just collapse.
     "Sure, it better not cave in while I'm asleep" I unzipped the front flap, and then crawled into the tiny space. I lied down on my back to test how the floor would feel. Like I suspected, it wasn't at all comfortable in anyway.
     "We're getting sleeping bags right?" Victoria asked, noticing how unpleasant I looked lying on my back. "Not exactly...I mean pilling layers of blankets is an alternative" said Nathan.
It's going to be a long night.
"Did you hear that? Or is it just me?" I asked Victoria. It was probably 2 a.m, when I heard foot steps outside our tent. "You can't be seriously scared right now, we're inside" Victoria said half asleep.
"I don't mean to make this into a creepy horror story setting but I keep feeling like someone's watching us" I was already having a hard enough time trying to fall asleep, and now I'm hearing stuff outside the tent.
"You're making yourself paranoid, open the flap thing and you'll see it's just a hallway with other tents in it" Victoria was crazy if she thinks I'm going to open it. What if it's a ghost, I wouldn't be surprised if people have died here.
"Look" Victoria said while sitting up "I'll open it and you'll see no one's out there and you're just hearing things. The nurses are literally down the hall talking, you can hear them"
"What if it's" my voice lowering "a ghost" my eyes filled with anxiety.
"What if....it's you over reacting" she said mimicking me. She crawled out of the blankets and reached out to unzip the flap. "See nothing, there, now go to sleep" she looked over at me and made a 'you've-got-to-be-kidding-me' face. Meanwhile my face was saying 'It's-ghost'.
My eyes were stuck on Victoria's. Her annoyed expression softened, she zipped the tent closed and crawled back under the cover, but before lying back down she put her hand on my shoulder. She tugged at me, signaling me to lay down too. I decided to listen to her and try and get some rest.
I laid on my back but tossed, switching over to my left side. I shut my eyes but couldn't relax my nerves. I opened my eyes and noticed the light that illuminated from the nurses station was no longer there. They must be in the back watching a movie.
I tensed up more knowing I was in complete darkness. My breathing hitched, no, no, no, why was it so dark. I felt panicked, secretly I was afraid of the dark. It was a dumb childhood fear than never left, I never got over it.
I jumped a little when I felt an arm wrap around me at my waist. I calmed down knowing it was Victoria. "Don't be scared" she whispered from behind me. My whole body relaxed, I suddenly felt so secure and safe. My breathing went back to normal. Meanwhile Victoria's breathing evened out and I knew for sure she fell back asleep.
I felt her limp arm around me, feeling her body heat radiate onto me. I knew she was asleep but in that moment, I felt like it was something special. I don't know how she felt about me, I knew she liked me as a friend but was that it? Am I just a friend, is this what the friend zone is? I couldn't help but always have this needy feeling towards her, like nicotine she was addictive. She was this high-chain drug and I feel like I'm suffering from withdrawal.
A/N short update but I had it written for a while. The next chapter I guarantee will be the longest and more interesting. Sorry for the late updates but thank you all for reading

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