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Let's pretend this isn't a late update? Yeah...

***Trigger warning***


It was early in the morning when doctor Nolemen awoke me from my slumber.

"Trinity, you're family's here to see you" He said from the doorway.

I looked over at Victoria who was still fast asleep, then back at Doctor Nolemen "My family?"

I felt at lost for words, my parents hadn't visited me in weeks, let alone given me a phone call.

I woke myself up the best I could, and walked over to the visitation center. Memories of Victoria's late night confession flooded my mind. She hadn't went fully into detail about it all, but it was enough to make sense. Gabby and Victoria had a secret past, outside these walls, they were once friends. They were more than friends, they were in love, or as in love two seventeen year olds can possibly be in. She didn't specify how long they dated, but when your in love, time is nothing.

And it made sense why Gabby hid it. Victoria fell out of love, Gabby changed quicker than seasons and it was too much for Victoria. After the break Gabby lost it, she changed schools and buried the past deeper than the deceased. Victoria knew Gabby wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and she excepted that.

It was crazy, the whole situation. Hearing the story made me feel scared. Scared to love. The possibility of the one who holds your heart, waking up and realizing they no longer wanted to carry it anymore, was terrifying.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I entered the visitation room.

Walking in I saw my mom, dad, and brother, my brother I was actually happy to see. I sat down at the four seat table with them, feeling uncomfortable.

"It's nice to see you" my mom speaking up first.

"Yeah, how long has it been? Three and halfs weeks, four weeks?" I wanted to pile the guilt on them so much, I wanted them to feel horrible. I resented them and I wanted that to be clear.

"Trinity sweetie, there's been a lot going on" my dad spoke up.

"Oh a lot going on, I'm sorry my life is an inconvenience to you" they're unbelievable.

Every time I looked at them I felt betrayed and hurt. I'm their fucking daughter, they're supposed to be here for me the most! They're supposed to hold me and love me and tell me everything will be okay. They're the people who are supposed to love me most in this world. The people I had to depend on since day one, the people who brought me into this world made me want to leave it and I just don't know how that works.

"We care for you-"

"Stop..." I cut my mom off, before she could finish.

"How are you Damian?" I looked over at my little brother sitting across from me, concerned with his well being.

"I'm alright, Trin, I miss you" I loved my little brother with everything I had in me, he was the world to me and his happiness was important to me. I smiled at him. "I miss you too, squishy" waves of worry constantly washed over me for him, I knew no one was emotionally there for him at the moment.

"Trinity, we're pulling you out of here by the end of today" My mom spoke.

Did I hear that right? I glanced at my mom who wasn't even looking back at me. Taking me out? They can't do that can they? I haven't recovered, I wasn't even close to recovery.

"Why are you doing this?" I barley whispered. They never cared, so why are they acting like they do now?

My dad sighed, before talking.

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