Somethings Gotta Give

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I woke up alone this morning, Victoria wasn't in her bed which was odd considering we weren't allowed to leave our dorms until breakfast. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I started reflecting over my conversation with Victoria from last night, realizing we had so much in common; I mean, like a lot in common. Yeah, my best friend Jocelyn and I had common interest too but Victoria and I had far more.

"Breakfast time! Everyone up and out, you have five minutes!" Shouted nurses from out in the halls.

I walked out into the hall not really bothering to change out of my pajamas. I saw others start walking out from their rooms but really I was looking for Victoria. I saw nurse Skylar patrolling the hall, marking attendance for those actually getting up for breakfast.

I walked up to her, maybe she knew where Victoria was.

"Skylar, do you know where my roommate is? She wasn't in the room when I woke up" I asked.

"She's out in the courtyard with Nathon, she wanted to go out for a breather" Skylar replied, not even glancing up from her clipboard.

"Oh okay." I walked off heading to the diner room.

On my way I happened to see Nathon and Victoria coming back inside from the courtyard, I made my way over to them. They were laughing, I don't know what about but for some reason I felt uneasy about it.

"Hey" I said approaching them.

"Hey Trinity, is it breakfast time already?" Asked Nathon. Victoria hadn't said a word yet. She actually looked kind of upset and it seemed like she shying away. That's weird, did she not remember me or something?

"Yeah. Are you coming?" I pointed the question towards Victoria. She didn't answer me though, she just looked down at the ground not making a single noise.

"Actually Vicky and I here are going to enjoy our morning in the wreck room. I'll catch up with you later and I'm sure Victoria will too" And with that they walked the opposite way towards the wreck room.

I felt, indifferent. He called her Vicky, what kind of nickname was that? Why hasn't he called me by a cute little nickname? And why didn't she talk to me, she was laughing before I got there, what's with that? Okay. Calm down Trinity, you shouldn't feel threatened by any of this. Why should you?


    "It's too cold!" Crystal whined. The nurses have us heading outside for half an hour. Apparently it's mandatory to let us out every two weeks, it had just been too cold lately.

    "It's just for half an hour, and we're letting you take blankets" Nathon said.

    I hadn't really talked to him today, not like I could have, he's been with Victoria all day. She even skipped group therapy and went with him instead. I don't know why they were spending so much time together or how they befriended each other so quickly.

    The nurses opened the doors to let us out, the gust of cold wind greeting our bodies. Luckily I brought my blanket to keep warm. I walked out past the doors not bothering to walk the trail with Malory, Crystal and Gabby. I hadn't spoken much to them either, but they know to let me be on my quiet days. I walked over to a tree that had huge roots sticking out from the ground, making it able to sit on like benches. It was kind of an isolated tree, bushes surrounded it so it was a nice place to be alone.

    "Hey" I looked up to see Victoria walking towards me.

    "Hey" I said back. "I'm sorry about earlier it's just that...that...something was going on" she sat down next to me.

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