LeShawna and Duncan (Ship)

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  Surprisingly this ship is real and has quite a bit of support.  Apparently ever since Duncan and LeShawna formed a shaky friendship in the first season, people have been shipping the two together.  People who like the ship apparently think that they are great for each other because they both don't take nonsense, are not shy with breaking the rules once in a while, and both can let their ambition sometimes get the best of them. 

  So, what do I think of it?  Well, I think this ship is pretty good.  The idea of Duncan and LeShawna being together isn't terrible, as I agree they are both definite anti-heroes and do get along quite well with each other.  However, I don't love it.  The reason for this is I support LeShawna being with Harold much more vs Duncan, and I ship Duncan with Zoey hard.  Besides, LeShawna may or may not still be mad at Duncan for bullying Harold in Total Drama Action, which is a major factor stopping this ship from happening. 

  Rating:  6/10  (I think the idea of LeShawna and Duncan being together is kind of neat, but the realism of it is low and it goes against two of my ships.)

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