Mal and Courtney (Ship)

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  I hate to say this, but this ship is kind of okay.  Mal and Courtney both like to cause mischief in their own shape and form, and they both have vendettas towards others.  There is a slight chance they could get together, and form some type of evil duo.  However, Courtney might not date Mal, as she is a law abiding citizen.  She probably doesn't want to date another known criminal, who is additionally a complete sociopath.  Also, Mal was one of Mike's personalities, meaning he was just a creation from Mike's mind.  Not to mention he disappeared forever in the Total Drama: All-Stars' finale. 

  Rating:  4.5/10  (Maybe it is for the best Courtney stays with Scott.)

My Opinions on Every Total Drama Couple/Ship:  Edition #2Where stories live. Discover now