Ella and Tropher (Ship)

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  Personally, I kind of like this ship.  I don't love it as much as Dave and Ella, but it comes pretty close.  I just think that these two would have a pretty genuine shot at dating sometime in the future.  Both characters have been played by the people they most cared about, had themselves humiliated on international TV when they were shamefully voted off, and have interesting quirks.  It was kind of shocking the creators didn't consider putting these two together, as some interesting material could of came out of it.  After all, what most fans of the show want to see is for their favorite competitors to be happy.  Ella and Tropher are both fan favorites and really need a second chance in the game considering how they were treated the first time around, so why not let them date.  It would make the fans happy and create new material for the franchise.  It would be a win-win situation.

  However, I do admit that Tropher is probably not Ella's type.  He is egotistical and vain like his idol Chris, which are two personality traits Ella can't stand.  Also, if Tropher still acts a lot like his idol, he is going to get annoyed by Ella's constant singing.  Of course with some character development this could change for Tropher, but for these things have to be assumed for now.

  Rating:  6/10  (Pretty good ship, but not as good as Ella and Dave.)

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