Courtney and Justin (Ship)

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  Another one-sided relationship like Cody and Gwen.  Justin loves Courtney, but Courtney clearly doesn't like him back.  He tries to win her affection in the fairy tale themed episode of Total Drama Action, only for Courtney to completely reject him.  This relationship has a similar setup with the former ship, but not the same amount of charm.  Justin only had a slight crush on Courtney, and it was for one episode.  After that, he pretty moved on to other girls during his career as a Drama Brother.  It isn't like it was with Cody where the crush remained throughout the series.  Also, the chemistry between Courtney and Justin is non-existent.  Courtney is an ambitious girl who wants to achieve all of her dreams and always be on top, while Justin is an egotistical jerk who kind of just goes with the flow and only wants to be loved by other women.  The reason Cody and Gwen work as a great ship is because of the fact that the two of them are great friends, were both outcasts before the competition, and are willing to protect one another from harm.  At best, the fact that Courtney can be vain like Justin could create some chemistry, but very little.

  I just don't really like this ship at all.  It does everything wrong that the Cody and Gwen ship got right, and really doesn't make all that much sense.  Besides, Courtney is probably going to end up with Scott again in a future season of Total Drama, so the likelihood of this ship happening are slim.

  Rating:  3/10  (The relationship between these two characters was a one episode gag.  It wasn't meant to be taken as seriously as Cody's crush towards Gwen.)

My Opinions on Every Total Drama Couple/Ship:  Edition #2Where stories live. Discover now