Chapter 1

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Peering down at the shackles chained around my ankles I sigh, replaying the events of the incident in my head, wondering how it was that I got caught and not those two buffoons that goaded me into doing it in the first place. "It's just a car, just take it". I should have listened when I was warned not to hang out with the twins, when I was told to act more like a lady, but I just had to go ahead and do it anyway. I'm especially mad that as soon as the cops showed up, they ran, and left me to take the heat. So, because I have to do the exact opposite of what I'm told, it landed me with several days in a local holding cell. The shackles are because they think I'll book it as soon as the door opens, which is fair, considering I've tried three times already.

Shuffling my feet, I look around at my 8x8 metal cage. On my right I have a burly looking man with what seems to be blood in his beard, so naturally I wave to him. He leans towards me and chomps at the air, as if he is trying to bite me from fifteen feet away, okay weirdo. I turn to my left and I see a woman who is either asleep, or dead, right now it's a little hard to tell; neither of my neighbours are particularly welcoming. And to top it all off, like a cherry on the world's worst sundae, for some strange reason it feels like a thousand degrees in this room; I've been sweating non-stop since they threw me in here. The officer sitting at a desk at the end of the hallway was leaning back in his chair, rubbing his doughnut filled belly. How he isn't overheating is beyond me, he definitely has some natural insulation going on. I thought about yelling at him that it was just a porsche, and that I don't need to be locked up like this, but every effort thus far has proven to be unsuccessful, so I doubt another try would change much.

I turn around on the lovely cot they have provided for me, and every other miscreant that has shown up here, and pull out the sharpie from my pocket. I scribble another line on the wall, marking another day that I have been here, making a total of six. Six! I can't believe Chief hasn't posted my bail yet, if he wants to teach me a lesson, the first three hours in here has done that. I haven't been sitting here, thinking about what I did wrong. No, I've been thinking about how to get back at dumb and dumber. Even though I understand why he is making me wait, it doesn't mean I have to like it.

The tell-tale buzzing of someone swiping their security pass tears my attention from my wallowing. My eyes zero in on a smoking hot officer coming through the door. I sweep my greasy hair back, wipe the sweat from my upper lip, and sit a little bit straighter, but then soon deflate because there is no possible way I could look decent at this moment. My gaze falls to the floor and curse the twins for the millionth time since I was thrown in here.

When he stops by my cage, I look up from the floor to meet his eyes. "You have a visitor, come on." Even his voice is sexy... Wait, visitor? Maybe Chief has come by to take me back home! I shoot up off the bed that I'm sitting on and run over to the cage door. "Who is it?" Officer Hottie ignores me and opens the door. "Fine then, be snooty, and see if I care." I see him frown but I dismiss the action. The other officer gets up from the desk with a key, coming to unlock the metal chains around my ankles. I turn to face Officer Chubs and he bends down to unlock my shackles. Once he is done I stand up and mock salute him, "Officer, it's been a pleasure," and with that, I take my leave, following Officer Hottie to the visitation room.

The visitation room is just as dull and empty as my holding cell was. It is slightly bigger, but it only has a telephone connected to a wall with a window of glass, and a metal chair facing the window. I can barely contain my happiness when I see Chief sitting on the other side of the glass, telephone in hand, with a stern look on his face.

Officer Hottie takes his post next to the exit, and I run over to the chair on my side of what seems to be soundproof, bullet-proof glass and sit down while wrenching the phone off the hook. I take in his salt-and-pepper hair that has been nicely styled, but not so that it looks styled, just the perfect amount of I didn't really try. His rugged features and nicely tailored suit make him out to be quite attractive, for an old guy. I must admit, I missed him while I have been in here, even if he did make me stew in this human pressure cooker for days. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't melt into a puddle on the floor, although I doubt it would have been cleaned up. My goopy body would have joined the rest of the unidentifiable stains riddling the floors.

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