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I’d like to dedicate this chapter to a lovely writer on here EmKath! She is the one who made the beautiful cover that I am now using! It made me so happy to see that someone liked my book enough to make a cover for it :3 thank you!

I’m telling you this for future reference, if you are ever hunting down a witch to break a mate bond and find a kid whose parents were killed by rogues, don’t dress said small boy in a 17 year olds’ boxers and tank top. Just saying, you get looked at, especially when it looks as though you and your rag tag group look like they have been rolling in dirt for days.

Shopping wasn’t fun, and the worst part of it all, was that the man called security to have us escorted out because he thought we were going to steal something. That was the last time I was going to set foot Wal-mart ever again. Unfortunately, Max still needed clothes, so we spent half the night looking for another shop. Finally, we stumbled upon a small, home-owned shop which sells clothes for all ages, thank God.

Dropping down onto one of the two less-than-comfortable beds that occupy a small portion of the tiny bedroom feels like falling onto a cloud. At the moment, sleeping on a bed of nails would be better than standing for one more minute. I feel like my feet are about to fall off, and I’m going to die of exhaustion.

About halfway to the motel from the store, Max fell asleep in Josh’s arms, which I thought was too cute, and is currently laying star-fished in the middle of the other bed. Alex is in the bathroom, Edward and Jacob claimed the couch in front of the crappy T.V and are watching old Spiderman cartoons, Nick is pacing in front of the door no doubt tired of the sexual frustration the day has caused, and Josh, well Josh is sitting next to Max, stroking the raven coloured hair from his face as he sleeps.

This makes me smile; Max couldn’t have picked a better ‘daddy’ than he has. Well, aside from the pranks, teasing, and all-around immaturity, Josh has high morals when it comes to looking after someone and will fight for them till he draws his last breath. I hope he would do this for me.

As soon as that thought enters my mind, Josh’s head flicks my way.

‘Of course I would, you have no need to even worry about that, babe.’ He sends this private thought to my head, calming my thoughts-WAIT!

‘Babe?’ I raise a brow at him questioningly, as if to say ‘did you seriously just call me that?’ His face shows shock, but he quickly masks it with a chuckle.

‘Yeah, I thought it fit you.’ He finishes by sending a creepy wink my way, and by creepy I mean totally hot but I’m not going to tell him that, he’ll get a big head. ‘I heard that.’ Awh shit.

I try to cover that up by saying something witty, but instead all that comes out is a yawn, and in looking at the clock I discover that it’s nearly 1 am. I make my way over to the bed holding Max and Josh because I promised Max I would sleep next tom him tonight in case the mean people come back.

Signaling for Josh to make room, he gently picks Max up and puts him on the right side and allows me to lie down next to Max. ‘So who is sleeping where?’ Josh looks at me before glancing at everyone else, and then he returns his gaze to me once more.

‘Alex and Nick are in the other bed, Edward is on the couch, and Jacob has claimed the floor.’

‘What about yourself? Where are you going to sleep?’ He shrugs his shoulders at me before replying. ‘I don’t know, I will figure that out later.’ As her turns away, I reach out a grab his wrist.

‘That’s nonsense; you’ll stay in this bed.’ I swear his eyes glint a bit when I say that so I quickly add on, ‘it’s not like you haven’t before.’

Me, Myself, and the Moon (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now