The mating bond

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For the rest of the week, I am kept away from Nick as much as possible. Whenever I walk down the halls at home the guys are giving me looks of pity, whereas the girls are giving me looks of hatred, telling me I deserve the pain. The sad thing is, I don’t know how to get them to stop mouthing off, I’m their Beta and they won’t respect me. It’s beyond ridiculous.

It’s safe to say that I’m ending up in the skirmish ring a lot more often now. This isn’t even the worst part, the worst part is that I’m ending up writhing in pain almost every night because Nick sneaks out of the house and sleeps with some random girl.

Tonight isn’t any different.

I lay curled up on my right side, knees hitched up to my chest with my arms wrapped around them, crying out as the pain runs through me. My only comfort at this point is that my faithful puppy is here, licking me every so often to make sure I know he loves me, and the Twins and Edward, who sit through every episode with me.

I tried to switch into wolf form one night, at the suggestion of Josh and Jacob, when it got really bad because he was with two girls. That was one of the worst ideas that the Twins have ever had. The pain was triple how it was normally; it was so bad I couldn’t shift back until he was done. For some reason, my paw prints were glowing throughout the night; I guess the spirits were trying to ease my pain.

I feel the pain start to lessen and I know that tonight’s round of torture is over. I give Edward a hug goodnight and he returns to his room so he can finally get to sleep. I feel really bad, these guys will wake up no matter what time of night it is, although the Twins are sleeping in my room every night now.

The twins are immensely loyal, and they never leave my side anymore. The only time I’m left alone is at school, and even then, they walk me to class and sit with me at lunch.

The only reason they are so close to me at school is because Nick decided he wanted a nooner and I had an episode in class. Now the school thinks I’m epileptic, just great.

Curling up in bed in between Josh and Jacob for the 6th night in a row, I fall into a deep sleep.

I’m running through the forest as my wolf, the pain searing through me because Nick is having another fling, and the sound of my thunderous footfalls mix with my heavy panting and the sounds of branches snapping and leaves crunching to make a melancholic melody of the forest.

I look up and see nothing but darkness, the full branches mesh together to block out the only light which is radiating from the moon. If it weren’t for my heightened sight, I would be running blind.

I hear the crackling of a fire up ahead and I know I’m close. I push myself to go faster than I’ve ever gone before, and when I finally break through the trees, I find myself in a clearing, with a blue fire burning in the middle, and an old spiritual shaman dancing around the pyre chanting the language of the ancients.

She feels my presence and turns around to face me. I stumble back because where her facial features should be; there is nothing but wrinkled skin. “You’re here to break the bond aren’t you?”

I jolt up in bed, sheen of sweat covering every inch of my skin. Looking around the room I realize it was just a dream. I feel the Twins stir next to me and they both let out a big yawn. Crap, I woke them up, now what do I say?

“W-what’s goin’ on Mimi? Its 3 a.m. go back to sleep.” I nod at him and settle down into a restless sleep.

I wake up in the morning feeling tired and cranky, but my dream has got me thinking of something. I hop out of bed, ignoring the stares from the Twins at my poor choice of pyjamas; lacy boxers and a sports bra. Not my smartest move, but hey, it gets hot squirming around in pain.

Me, Myself, and the Moon (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now