The border

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“Okay guys, you’ve had a nice sleep, a big breakfast and a nice flirting session with half the town’s teenage girls, it’s time to head out.” I feel my patience slowly failing. Who am I kidding? My patience flew out the window hours ago when Nick decided to hit on girls at the breakfast diner. What’s worse is that he used Max as a ‘cute baby brother’, what made me swell with pride was the fact that Max shrieked and smacked him in the face when Nick tried to lift him up.

Unfortunately, all the guys followed Nick’s example and flirted up a storm, well all of them but Josh. Josh sat in the corner of the booth looking irritated at Nick’s stupid actions considering I was sitting right in front of him.

After that train wreck of a meal and the exchange of numbers, we made our way to just inside the forest where I am currently giving them the lecture.

“Yes sir!” They all shout at me once I’m done and I roll my eyes before carefully taking off my clothes to shift. As soon as everyone is shifted and Max is securely on my back, I let loose a low howl and we all tear into the woods.

‘Hang tight, bud, I’m going a little faster than yesterday.’ I feel Max’s hands grip tighter into my fur and I take that as a sign to kick it into high gear.

‘Are you okay, Mia?’ Igroan when I hear Alex’s thought come into my head a few hours later, considering he followed Nick’s example I really don’t want to talk to him right now, honestly the only one I want to talk to right now is Max.

‘Yep. We are going to break in 2 hours.’ I really just want this conversation over, and I’m going to flip if people keep talking to me.

‘I just wanted to make sure, you know, because he is still your mate.’ I come to a stop and turn to Alex.

‘I’m fine, Alex, drop it before I make you.’ I finish with a menacing growl and then look at the rest of the pack that have stopped to witness the confrontation. ‘We will break here for a bit, be ready to move in an hour. We didn’t make it to the border yesterday due to a certain event, so we will get there before nightfall’

Looking around the forest, I deem it safe enough to rest for a few hours. If anything goes wrong, we have a few strong fighters to protect us from any threat.

I slip Max off my back and I go behind a tree to shift and change. I don’t want Max to see his ‘mommy’ naked any more than he already has, plus I don’t want Nick to look at me, I’m still disgusted with him.

Once done, I walk back and see Max playing around with the ears of Alex’s red wolf. I giggle when Max’s hands grip Alex’s snout and make him sneeze repeatedly. I jog over to them and swoop the little guy in my arms, swinging him around in circles.

We are both laughing as well fall to the ground. I feel a tug on my hair and I look down at the little boy lying on my chest. “Am I ever going to see my mommy and daddy ever again?” I freeze, not wanting to break his heart with the painful truth that his loving parents are gone forever.

Instead, I do something worse; I comfort him with a lie. “I’m sure you will see each other again, I’m not sure when, but you will. For now, you have us to keep you safe.” A rumbling off to my right makes me reconsider for a moment.

“W-what was t-that?” I sit upright as quick as possible and lock my gaze on the part of the forest where the noise is coming from. Max clings to my shirt and lets out a frightened whimper.

“It’s nothing to be afraid of, sweet pea, we will protect you.” The guys shift and form a circle around Max and me, making sure to cover all the way around snarling and snapping at the forest. I stand up and put Max on my hip and peer over the circle.

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