the change

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Chapter 14

Running through the border from North Dakota to Montana and I breathe a sigh of relief. Almost there, in about an hour I will finally be rid of this curse. Night is falling, and I get a little anxious having us run in the dark, but we are so close I can’t afford to stop. So we continue running and I hear a voice in my head, but it’s not one of the boys. I know that voice from my dream, it’s Griselda.

“Almost there, little one; head south and you will find me.” I change our course so that we are headed due south and I pick up my pace drastically.

‘Guys, hurry we are almost there!’ I am so excited, finally I will be free. I hear their responses and acknowledgements and soon we are shooting through the brush like bullets. In a few minutes I recognize the smell of smoke, and when I look up I see a dark cloud in the air not far from here. Griselda.

I follow the smell and sure enough it leads me to a clearing, and in the middle is the same blue fire from my dream. I see a figure by the fire, Griselda, she is chanting something in the ancient language also just like my dream. With a start I realize my dream was a glimpse into the future, it was what will happen. Further proving this theory, Griselda turns her wrinkled face to us and says; “You’re here to break the bond aren’t you?”

I order everyone to shift back and change. I slide Max off my back and onto the ground and do the same. Once I am changed, I grab Max’s hand and start to walk towards her. She holds up her hand to her face and she starts to shimmer and glow. The luminescence gets so bright that I cover Max’s eyes and look away myself, I don’t want to ruin the good moment by going blind; that would just suck. Looking back cautiously, I see the light show is over and in the place of the wrinkled old hag stands a beautiful blonde woman, her hair is light and curly and falls down her back, her skin is fair and smooth. I can practically hear the guy’s jaws hit the floor as they take in the gorgeous woman before us.

“I figured I would change into something that would make you less uncomfortable.” She spoke up with a voice like silk and the smile on her face was like the ones in ads. Her gaze was warm and friendly as she looked at me, like she was happy to see me. There is no way this could be the same girl that was just standing before us... then again she is a witch, and if she can do this then I have no doubt she can get rid of the bond.

I clear my throat and speak, “Thank you, I appreciate that. Yes, I am here to sever the bond between my ma-between Nick and me.” She nods her head and shifts her gaze towards Nick. Her eyes turn hard and cold when they take him in. She scoffs and walks over to him.

She stops in front of him and gives him a once over. She walks slowly around him as if taking in his full image. “So you’re the reason why she is here, have you anything to say for yourself? Any words to your mate” she spat the word at him, “before there is no chance of having one again?”

He smirks and looks at me, “Good riddance.” I hear a sudden clap of thunder over me and look up. The sky has darkened suddenly, the light of the moon is completely covered by dark clouds, and I feel like it’s not natural. I look at Griselda and she has her fists clenched and she is trying to keep her composure. I see all the guys back away from them and start walking over towards me.

Max grabs my leg and whimpers; I reach down and lift him up. “Shh, it’s alright baby everything is fine. It’s just a little thunder.” He hides his face in my hair and whimpers again. I glance back over at Griselda and she looks to have calmed down. She pauses her scrutiny and makes her way over to me once again.

“I will grant you your wish; I will sever the bond, as long as both parties are willing. One or both sides may reconsider once you hear the conditions.

Me, Myself, and the Moon (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now