chapter 1 Niall

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getting the boys settled in was a lot harder that I thought it would be. mostly because they had so many bags filled with I don't even know what. all the bags had to be hauled up the stairs to the third floor. 

good excersize, huh? 

I don't really understand why my house is so big. everyone thinks my parents are rich, but i don't think they are. just because they're doctors people think that were millionaires, which isn't true, we might have a lot of money but not enough to be rich, we just know how to spend it. 

once I got the suitcases I was carrying up the stairs I had to wait for their two security guards to get the rest up here, so I could show them which rooms to put them in. 

after a lot of yelling across the house and falling over suite cases we finally got the boys rooms figured out. 

zayn, Blondie, and Louis in one room, and Liam and curly in the other. Anne got her own room and the security guards and the van driver decided to stay at hotel. 

I would too, but I live here. and its not that I don't want to stay in a house with them its just I know how big groups of boys are, and even tho they're famous and they swear fame hasn't gotten to their heads I would still be careful.

By the time the day was over, I had it up to fucking here with those boys. they have no idea what the word clean means and they don't have manners. 

they're like wild animals. 

my parents and Anne went out somewhere leaving me with them for like a million hours. 

I ended up giving up halfway through and I sat up in my room listening to there mating calls from down stairs. it was when I got thirsty that I had to end up going down there. 

I walked by hoping they wouldn't notice me, which didn't work. 

"do you have any food?" niall asked 

"no." I snapped 

"fuck you too, then." I heard him say under his breath. I gave him a dirty look and grabbed a water bottle, heading back upstairs.  

"good night, princess." Louis said rudely 

I rolled my eyes and went to my room.

I woke up to a ray of sun shining in my eyes, I forgot to close my curtains last night. looking out my window I realized it was a perfect day to go for a swim. I got up and braided my hair in a french braid and went down stairs to eat something before I starved to death. halfway down the stair case I remembered who was staying at my house, remembering this irritated me like poison ivy.  

after a nice breakfast of oatmeal with peanut butter and banana, I changed into my blue and white bathing suit and grabbed my towel. 

it was 83° outside and the sun was in the perfect place, and there wasn't one cloud in the sky, but the gorillas are awake and looking for food. 

I tried to get to the back door as fast as I could, but I had to get past the kitchen, were the boys were. I waited until they were all turned away from the door to walk past them. me being the dumb idiot I am, I kept looking in their direction to make sure they wouldn't see me, when I felt a sharp pain in my foot and tripped. I closed my eyes anticipating the floor to hit me but instead I went right back up. I was confused, until I looked up at a tall boy that was way too close to me with his hand on my arm. 

"are you okay?" he asked in a deep voice. 

"yeah," I paused," I was just going outside." I said starting to walk again. 

"oh, you have a pool?" he turned around. 'shit,' I thought, if he brings his friends out there I'll kill everyone.' 

"um, yeah, its just a small little pool." I fake laughed trying to get out of there. 

"harry!" someone called for the kitchen 'shit shit shit' I opened the door and walked outside, making a quick get away before anyone else could see me.

the back of our house was mostly made of that one way mirror glass so that you couldn't see in but when you were inside you could see out. I didn't really understand why we had that. it was just like a giant window on the inside and and obnoxiously shiny wall on the outside. it was weird. 

I swam in the pool before coming out to tan. I put my towel on the chair and turned on my iPod before laying down.  

my tanning playlist was rather diverse. ranging from Selena Gomez to The Cab, I had music from all over the place, except country. unless you count Taylor swift as country. I spent a half hour on each side before going back in. 

when I opened the door the first thing I saw were the boys wrestling, the cushions all over the floor, and the couch flipped on its back, all while the TV was on high volume during a WWE thing. 

"what the hell are you doing!?" I screamed 

"having fun!" said Louis 

"unlike you," niall smirked. I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. 

"hey! turn that back on, it was just getting good," zayn said. 

"no, you guys are acting like a bunch of cavemen, and you need to stop." this made them be quiet and look guilty, except niall. 

"I think the only person that needs to stop is you." 

"excuse me?"  

"niall." Liam warned, shaking his head. 

"no," he paused,"were supposed to be having a good time and she bitching at us about everything." 

"well, sorry, but this is my house and your in it," my voice got louder,"so sorry for bitching at you your majesty. I didn't mean to upset the little popstar." I threw down my towel down. i could feel it coming. I stormed up the Stairs to my room, I felt my face burning and my eyes stinging, I slammed my door. I tried breathing deep and counting but that never worked. my breaths were short gasps. as I tore down all my 1D posters from the wall. I'm done with them. I was done with guys a long time ago, but of course I was gonna get another round of them thrown at me. they're rude and cruel and don't care about your feelings. no matter how nice they seem, or sweet they act they're all the same. they use or abuse you then they throw you away like trash.  

my voice broke, "fuck you." I tore my poster in half, and stuffed it in the trash.

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