The Fallout part 1

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We awoke the next morning with a list of things to do that was a mile long. And all that we wanted to do was bask in this private moment. Our lives were never going to be normal, and now we had no hope of ever being normal. We were royal. And that was going to be hard to adjust to. Add a baby to that. And moving house. Then a nursery to set up. A baby announcement to make. A coronation ceremony to plan and execute. A family color and crest to chose. A family motto. And on top of all that, I had to meet Abe, be approved, then beg if I have to to get his and Janine's approval to propose to Rose. If all that went as hoped, I had a ring to hunt for and buy, and a proposal to organize. After that, we'd then also have a wedding to plan. I was already exhausted just thinking about it while gazing into Roza's loving eyes. Yeah, our life was going to be the furthest thing from normal.

"Mmm... Morning, Comra—" her sleepy but angelic greeting was cut off by a mad dash to the toilet.
I supported her through the morning sickness the only way I knew how. I held her hair, gently rubbed her back and murmured to her in Russian.

"Oh great!" she groaned into my chest an hour later as we walked to breakfast. "Hi Old Man." Standing before us was Abe Mazur.
"Hello to you too, Little Girl." The mobster met my eyes. I resisted the urge to gulp. Her parents were scary enough on their own, but because they were my lover's parents they were suddenly terrifying. I wasn't about to show my fear. "Hello, Belikov. I think I might just join you two for breakfast..." His eyes and tone told me he was joining us and there was no escaping it.

After a very tense and very awkward breakfast with Rose's father, we finally escaped with the intention of preparing Adrian's old apartment so we had a clean place to move into and set up for our baby. Rose's eyes twinkled eagerly while directing me to Adrian's old place.
"You're not helping fumigate and getting rid of the clove cigarette toxins," I warned lovingly before she could step foot inside the apartment.
"But, Comrade!" she pouted.
"No, Roza. I'd love your help, but I'll love you more for staying away and keeping our baby safe."

It was boring as all hell having nothing to do all day... Well, that was until Ambrose turned up at my door.
"Hey, Ambrose." I stepped back and gestured him in.
He smiled. He was too hot and too perfectly sculpted for my liking, but I knew other women and maybe even some men could and did drool over him. "Thanks, Rose. I can still just call you Rose, can't I?"
I laughed and nodded while indicating where to sit. "Yes, Ambrose."
I noticed he dropped a bunch of folders onto the coffee table while I sat.
"What's with that?"
Ambrose rolled his eyes. "What do you expect? You can't rule without papers ruling your life."
I groaned. "Ew!"
Ambrose shook his head and laughed.
"Oi! No laughing at the pregnant woman."

Dimitri didn't let me near the apartment for a full fortnight! In that time, I was stuck with mountains of paperwork that just seemed to keep growing. I still had a coronation to plan, for Pete's sake... And a baby room to set up.

"Rose," Dimitri murmured urgently the second he found me after walking through the door to the apartment we'd just finished moving into. "You need to get out of here. And please don't argue."
I couldn't hide my shock. "What are talking about?"
His eyes clouded with concern. "I can't tell you yet, but please trust me and let me take you away for a little while. I'll look after you and Bubby, whatever it takes. Now please, Roza, just come away with me."
Something about the fear in his voice made me trust him. It took a lot to unsteady him. I had to trust him to do the best thing possible by and for me.

That was how I ended up in a dingy motel in backwoods nowhere town. I was nearly five months pregnant, for Christ's sake! I couldn't be expected to hole up in somewhere like here! I still didn't even know why I had to hole up in the first place. I soon enough found out, though.

Just hours after I'd disappeared, someone had framed me for murdering Tatiana. I woke up from my half-asleep-while-watching-Lissa state in a sweat. I was now some kind of fugitive. Escaping beforehand could either make me seem more guilty or more innocent. I hoped, given I'd been coronated just moments before we left, it meant more innocent. Though right now, I didn't doubt it wouldn't be long before the guardians were tracking us down. If they weren't already. I knew that I was their target, and they weren't going to question orders to find me and kill me on the spot.

I shook Dimitri awake from his spot beside me in bed. "Comrade, we need to go!" I hissed urgently in his ear. "The guardians are after me!" He was out of bed and dressed before I could blink.
"I'll keep you safe, Roza. I'll always keep you safe." He helped me out of bed and into fresh clothes. Maternity jeans and top. Yuk. Well, the top wasn't that bad, really.

I unrealistically expected we'd end up in some bigger town, maybe even a city. But no. The place Dimitri took me to next was the one place less civilised than that so called town. Honestly, how did he expect me to survive here? In a village in the forest! There was no way a nearly five months pregnant girl from Court could survive here. I mean, was the food even safe to eat?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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