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"Comrade! You like shopping about as much as I do."
"I meant for," I leaned over and rubbed the baby bump. Bubby kicked and her face lit up.
"Really? The nursery already?"
"Yup. And mat. clothes."
"Only if I pay."
"Rose" I whined. I'd been given my account back, it didn't have much but it had to be more than she had.
"I've still got one of Adrian's cards. And Dad's given me access to my own trust- and it's huge."
I sighed. "I still can't believe Abe Mazur is your father."
"Unfortunately, I can. I can see how I'm the way I am. His logic and cunning, her strength and skill. And his looks."
"Come on. Let's get shopping."
"Yeah. Let's." She sighed as I got off the couch after putting her shoes back on. "I'm pregnant comrade, not disabled. My mother would say your coddling me- she's already accused Abe of doing it- more than once." She laughed at a memory, "you know he ran a pool over whether or not I'd even show for my trial."
"I can see him doing that." I pulled her up off the couch.
"He made a fortune- handed it all over to me, too."
"I bet he did."
"Let me get something first." She went searching through her, wardrobe? "Here it is." She grinned, grabbed a, cashmere scarf? And wrapped it round her neck stylishly and was insanely careful with how she handled it. She laughed at my expression. "I'm Abe's daughter and this scarf is a family heirloom. Mom cried when I came back wearing it. That's how I found out about my parentage- through a bloody cashmere scarf a mobster named Abe gave me because he 'thought I'd get cold on the plane'. He knew full well my mother would spill when she saw me with it. As I said- I get my logic from him."
"Please tell me you aren't going to get his insane and ridiculous dress sense too."
"No. I refuse to inherit his wardrobe choices. Well, I'll keep the scarfs."
I chuckled and shook my head. "Of course. Of course it's the scarfs he's famous for are the part of the wardrobe you'll keep."
"Hey! They're expensive. And my mother would kill me- they're her favourite part of his dress sense. I still can't believe The Janine Hathaway cried over a scarf."
"You would cry if our child suddenly came home in my duster." It was true, despite all the teasing I knew deep down she loved it as much as I did. Her response confirmed it.
"Screw you! I'll admit it, I would. I'd be reduced to tears too."
"Come on milaya." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "the shops await."
She grinned as she grabbed her purse and keys. "We're really doing this? This is really happening?"
I opened the door. "Yes milaya. It's really happening." I grinned and brushed the bump before shutting the door and kissing her cheek. Naturally, with my guards, we were never truly alone, but their extremely formal nature made them easy to ignore. That and I think they may have been trying to give us some semblance of privacy.

"Hey Rose! What's with the Belikov attachment?" Eddie asked as we walked through Court to its shopping precinct.
"Hmm, what's that Eddie?!" She punched him playfully as he fell into step with us.
"I said 'what's with the Belikov attachment?'" He turned to look at me, "hey man!" He nodded.
"Hey Guardian Castile."
"Drop formalities! I know what's going on with you two."
"Rose?" I asked cautiously and raised an eyebrow.
"What did you think I could say after the Luxor? And he doesn't know about what's about to happen, yet." She turned to a clearly confused yet highly amused Eddie, "thanks for that hotel choice!"
"No worries Rose. And what's about to happen?"
"You'll see."
"Roza, just tell him!" I laughed and kissed her cheek- causing her to giggle.
"Fine. Eddie," she turned to face him. "You better be ready to be open minded- and shocked."
"Hmm. Okay. Just tell me Rose."
"I'm pregnant. Over three months in."
He gaped and laughed. "Our Rosie a mom?"
"Yes, Eddie. And this is where the real surprise comes in," she looked at me lovingly, pride and joy radiating around her like a light.
"Tell him." I whispered huskily.
She shivered before turning back to face Eddie as we walked into the shopping precinct. "Dimitri is Daddy."
"Rose?" He questioned. "What really happened while you were gone?"
She sighed. "A lot. Quite a lot."
"Rose? Really, you told your mother and hesitating to tell Eddie?"
She sighed. "Eddie, when I was in Russia, I went hunting. For Dimitri."
He gasped. "Really Rose? Seriously?! How are you that gutsy?"
"Hey! I've done worse- with you in tow."
He sighed. "You have a point. So, explain."
"It took over a month to find him."
"I eventually found you once I knew you were looking for me."
"And hit me over the head when I hesitated."
"You're not proud of hesitating are you?"
"Not really. But I've ended up with a gift- two really." She turned to face Eddie again. "Anyway, as I was saying. Got myself hit over the head and captured." She sighed. "There's one thing worse than that hesitation," she sighed.
"What is it?" Eddie asked gently, noticing how reluctant she was to say the next part. I knew what word she didn't want to use, this was her lowest and weakest moment.
"Roza? Look at me." I pleaded. She did. "It's okay. As you said- we ended up with Bubby." I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"You, only you. Only you get it."
"That's what I say about you, my love."
She turned in my arms so my hands rested over Bubby. "Eddie. I'm about to reveal my weakest moment. My most shameful action, or lack thereof."
"Rose? What, what happened?"
"In one word. Bloodwhore."
He gasped. "No. Rose. You wouldn't."
"Eddie," she sighed. "I already knew how powerful a Moroi bite was- I was Lissa's food source when on the run. I was addicted. You yourself know the power a Strigoi bite holds. The mix of that and the memory of my first time with Dimitri was overwhelming. I almost caved and got myself turned."
"As if Roza," I kissed her cheek. "You were nowhere near caving, nowhere."
She moved her head to look at me. "I almost did, I almost gave up. You forever without restraints had it's pull."
"But there was one word you were looking for that didn't come- that drove you, motivated you to resist."
"Yeah. One little word, that's what it all hinged on. If you'd realised before the bridge I woulda caved."
"'Love'. That's what it all hinged on?"
"'Love' over 'want'. It took ages for me to realise it was 'want' as in a weapon or object, a strategic choice or move."
"Wow. You, are, amazing. You don't know how strong you are." I spun her and pulled her into a kiss.
"Dimitri!" She playfully chastised after catching her breath. "We've been through this."
"And we'll keep going through it until you learn to accept a compliment and admiration." I kissed her forehead.
"Guys! I'm right here!" Eddie brought us back to our surroundings. "I don't need to see you two all over each other." He laughed and cringed. "Did you guys completely defile the senior gym?"
"Yeah. I don't think there's a surface in that room that did see some sort of illicit connection, or anywhere in the school. The cabin especially."
"TMI Rose!" Eddie laughed.
"Hmm. I've got to agree. Although, the store room was a favourite."
"After the cabin and your room in terms of intensity."
"Did you have to order it?"
I shook my head.
"Hey! You know you enjoyed them the most."
"Screw you!" I teased.
"We've covered that!" She teased back before sighing. "I like this. Us, relaxed, playful."
"Hmmm. So do I. We'll never truly be carefree but this is better than everything else, we can be easygoing."
"Yeah. It is."
"Guys! Again with the forgetting a world exists." Eddie laughed. "I never thought it'd be you, Belikov, who would melt Rose. Or the other way around either. It's hard to fathom."
Rose and I laughed. "Hmmm. Why might that be?"
"Because it's you two! You've got reputations. That and insanely dedicated to the Moroi."
"Hmm. More dedicated to each other and our family." Rose responded.
"Ugh! That is unbelievable."
"You're not the one whose world got shaken at it's core, not the one who got the fright if their life, not the one who fought for another 'impossible' to occur." We where now browsing in a baby furniture shop and she gasped, a look of 'that's-it-it's-perfect-and-I'm-getting-my-way-to-have-it' crossed her face. "That's it Dimitri! That's the cot." She squealed in excitement. She looked up and pulled puppy-dog-eyes.
"Fine. Get it." I kissed her cheek. "You're face was too adorable before you pulled puppy-dog-eyes, and totally irresistible afterwards."

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